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Thread: The site crash

  1. Back To Top    #1
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Exclamation The site crash

    As many of you know, before I started CAJ, I had another site called Forum-Refuge which was just an all off-topic hangout site. Once we got CAJ going, the refuge just kinda fell by the wayside. Back in October, we did a sever swap but I never transferred the refuge over, the database has just been sitting idle on my home PC.

    The refuge had several threads that I wanted to keep, so last weekend, I decided to try to get the forum back up and running on the new server. I uploaded the vBulletin software and imported the database (which holds all the thread titles, posts, PM's, user info, etc). When I did this, it somehow cause CAJ to crash. I immediately went into 'panicked repair mode' and deleted the newly installed refuge and its database, and then ran an upgrade script on CAJ which fixed any associations. Luckily, this was 3am so nobody really noticed.

    This afternoon, I decided to try again...but this time I did a clean install of vBulletin and used a blank database. Once I got the site running, I was going to try to import the old database this weekend.

    Everything seemed to be working okay, so I went to bed (I work night shift). While I was asleep, all hell broke loose. Somehow, this fresh install of VB started getting crossed up with CAJ, and the server started confusing the two and trying to pull info from both. CAJ members couldn't log in because it was trying to pull from the Forum-refuge memberbase, but that was empty, so it started showing people ban messages.

    Anyhoo, I woke to find a bunch of messages saying the site was fubar, and I tried logging in to find that I was locked out as well. I went into the hosting control panel and followed the same procedures that I did last weekend, and it was back operational in no time.

    I want to apologize to everybody. I try to do my messing around late at night and/or behind the scenes. I never dreamed that a fresh, second install of vBulletin would kill CAJ, and I still can't figure out exactly why it happened...but I know now that if I'm gonna try a third time, I'll do it in the wee hours of the morning and let people know in advance.

    Thanks for your patience,

  2. Back To Top    #2

    Re: The site crash

    Cool, just glad you got it back up. I tried and couldn't get in earlier, but, the sign in page didn't ever look correct, so I knew you were having issues.....

  3. Back To Top    #3
    Senior Member gran_ice's Avatar
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    Re: The site crash

    I thought I'd done something wrong when I had a message saying I was banned from the forum. Glad you got it sorted out al

  4. Back To Top    #4
    Senior Member dejo's Avatar
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    Re: The site crash

    whats wierd is that i was in the baw when it happened. I would try to post and it wouldnt let me- could type and hit enter and never show up. others in the baw were still posting. then nothing at all

  5. Back To Top    #5
    RRAMA NEED $$ TIMMAY!!!'s Avatar
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    Re: The site crash

    Lol I was sure that I had done something ban-worthy that I just couldn't remember.
    Please leave your comments in the box outside my door, right underneath the sign that reads: Shame T. Llama, phD. Your thoughts are very important to me!

  6. Back To Top    #6

    Re: The site crash

    glad all is working now and we appreciate the time and work you put in to this. No problem about the down time but was concerned what in the world I did to be banned.

    Got to love server work and all the little things that happen. Enter this past Thursday, got to work at 6:30 for an up to mid day regular production day and then to start work on a new server migration to hopefully put on line at 5 after everyone had sent home. 2:55 early Friday morning, I was able to lock the door and go home. Not one thing worked the first time. I had a guy there and one session in so their was a team with different strengths and weakness to help. What an experience.

  7. Back To Top    #7
    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: The site crash

    Quote Originally Posted by AL9000 View Post
    CAJ members couldn't log in because it was trying to pull from the Forum-refuge memberbase, but that was empty, so it started showing people ban messages.
    Do it again but on 04/01/2014
    Viewing Smilies , you trying to access privileged system?¤Somewhere 0ut There¤}]

  8. Back To Top    #8

    Re: The site crash

    I was pretty sure something like this was the case ..

  9. Back To Top    #9
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: The site crash

    Well a lot of people were concerned that we got hacked. It turns out the hacker was me

    It's nice to know that people care enough to get riled up about it

  10. Back To Top    #10

    Re: The site crash

    well, with your "tenuous" relationship with some of the deema management crowd .....

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