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Thread: helping others:

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    helping others:

    as many of you have read my posts over the years, you may have come to the conclusion that I like to hear myself think, perhaps... but realistically, I do enjoy helping others with the audio related stuff, and whatever else I think is worth bandwidth.

    on the issue of gratuities, I run into the dilemma that the readership here is pretty much advanced level, there's not much freshmen activity if you get my drift.

    so, having been unceremoniously re-instated into the Deema fold recently, I found myself backed into a quandary:

    do I continue as if nothing happened, does anyone recognize me with half my face blown off, or are people generally not aware, in general?

    I know there are bitter bitter me's, all about in these walls and perma-bans may incite fervor, but I lasted a 3 month span and after making several heated posts about my experience, find myself not bitter, it's perhaps part of my psychology that I just don't hold grudges very well...

    but I do still, like helping the hapless few who venture into Deema's operations room, clueless and filled with despair, as it is a distant memory but resonates.

    what do you do, if the demographic of people (simple audio questions) are congregating elsewhere, that you'd like to help, or make a contribution?

    I of course, still hold strong feelings over what happened to me, but there aren't any newbies here who need the hand-holding, is it wrong to want to entertain that part of my psyche, even if it does put money in ANT's income stream?

    just a general discussion thought, for the masses.

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    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: helping others:

    Well, I decided to try logging in again to see if Ant had a change of heart...but no, I'm still permabanned, and he has yet to give an explanation to anybody, DIYMA staff included.

    If you're worried about upsetting anybody here for posting over there as well, don't be. I've still got e-friends over there that I would like to interact with, so given the same opportunity, I would probably continue to post there...I would just do so in a diminished capacity

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    Re: helping others:

    I've been posting less and less on DIYMA over the past few months...

    Have other priorities now, got married and moving out to a new much better place. Am also a bit more interested in home audio.

    But the last few posts I received for questionning and arguing with one's mentality, got me bitter.
    I'm really not a bad person, maybe my post comes out as one that likes to argue but I like to challenge people's thinking... but someone calling me an asshole because they don't have nothing else to add is irritating.

    I'm not gonna post much on DIYMA anymore. Just checking the few subscribed threads I have and that's it.


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    Re: helping others:

    I was asked not to discuss the nature of my reinstatement, but it didn't come from on high, as it were.

    And it's not that I intend to offend anyone here who is still outside the gates, it's that the paradox is I enjoy helping people traverse the expanse of audio questions we have long since moved on from, and also that I'm most in my comfort zone on things that do not rely on gated measurements and oscilloscope viewfinder adjustments.

    Those parts, the kinds of impositions that I'm quite confident in my answers, people don't ask here.

    So, in a way I'm contributing to the audio life, the community and because the portal is giving ANT a percentage of the profit, I would be cutting off my arm to spite my cock, or whatever.

    I probably will never fully engage as I have before my ban, and that's a shame because there is some darkness I've let in with the light, now. People who wantonly abuse the members for dollars, who live parasitically off of the not-so-knowledgeable, is a familiar theme in audio, and car audio seems to take advantage of the young disproportionately.

    That is still what fuels me, even if I choose not to waste energies on it now.

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    Big Daddy chad's Avatar
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    Re: helping others:

    I used to love helping people over there, I have not posted in a LONG time.

    I just can't take it anymore. Too many assholes.

  6. Back To Top    #6

    Re: helping others:

    It seems to me as though DIYMA goes through a sort of cyclic purge of learned regulars. The first of which happened before I showed up, with werewolf/lycan and others. It seems to me that it's happening again. A wave of newbs fills the forum to the brim with trolls and basic repetitive questions, people get testy and fed up with shit, and it drives off a modest but notable group of people. Time goes on, and a few of the newbs mix with regulars to become the "new" go-to guys of the forum, and the cycle repeats.

    Just an observation. Help the dummies if you wish, I certainly haven't the patience to do it, just don't bring them here!

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    Senior Member littlemissGTO's Avatar
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    Re: helping others:

    cajunner do what you feel the need to do. I can completely relate to a site being bombarded with jerks. I'm dealing with that now on another forum and my engine build thread. Pretty soon, I'm just going to come off as a total bitch because I don't like being told I'm doing something wrong when I know it's being done right, and I've got a mentor to consult with that's been doing this stuff for thirty years.

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    Re: helping others:

    Quote Originally Posted by littlemissGTO View Post
    cajunner do what you feel the need to do. I can completely relate to a site being bombarded with jerks. I'm dealing with that now on another forum and my engine build thread. Pretty soon, I'm just going to come off as a total bitch because I don't like being told I'm doing something wrong when I know it's being done right, and I've got a mentor to consult with that's been doing this stuff for thirty years.
    No Shauna, you don't understand - this is the internet, people here know everything.

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    Re: helping others:

    Unfortunately I feel the same concerning DIYMA. I like to help and answer questions, but there are just enough jerks to chime in with negativity that I hesitate to post there. It has a strange feel of unregulated regulation if you catch my drift. Of course, as we all know, once the path to profit is taken the foundation of a forum changes and usually for the worse and it's suffering from that as we speak. I feel at this time that each person on DIYMA is an individual, but not part of a "group" per-say. The entire culture and community feels scattered with a select few hanging on and watching each other's back. Of course the immediate method to be scrutinized is to become a moderator, so there is a certain pain that comes with that title. At this point I have decided that I will help sparingly and stay out of the mainstream volley of posts, that seems to be the only way that works for me.

    I wish things had gone differently for you at DIYMA. We'll keep the door open, welcome mat out and lights on for you here whatever your forum of choice may be.

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    Senior Member littlemissGTO's Avatar
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    Re: helping others:

    Quote Originally Posted by millerlyte View Post
    No Shauna, you don't understand - this is the internet, people here know everything.

    You are so right Ally.

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