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Thread: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

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    Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    If I'm not changing diapers or trying to mess with car audio, I'll be in the garden

    It's the most rewarding hobby I've ever had. To see plants flourish and to taste such fresh produce is amazing.
    I started with mainly veggies and herbs and am now adding berries, fruit trees, grapes, and now medicinal flowers/plants.

    With the little space I have, I'm trying to grow as much as I can, to need the supermarket less and less.

    I'm mostly growing in the ground and some fabric pots here and there.

    Most plants are grown for consumption, but there are some plants that aren't edible to be used for biomass, fertilizer/mulching, or to attract pollinators.

    I'm in zone 9a so some annuals can act like perennials here. Mediterranean climate. Dry.

    Here's a picture from last year

    A more recent one:

    The garden is about 3 years old now.

    Here's the beginning on 2021:

    Last edited by James Bang; 4 Weeks Ago at 01:22 AM.

  2. Back To Top    #2

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    Here's the Mediterranean Herb section:
    In the picture, there's some fenugreek, rue, rosemary, marjoram, sage, lavender (English and French I think), and some thyme. Oregano growing elsewhere.

    Last edited by James Bang; 3 Weeks Ago at 01:23 AM.

  3. Back To Top    #3

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    West side of the house is where some random herbs that don't need full sun is grown:

    Lemon balm, more sage, catnip, basil, perilla, parsley, some swiss chard. The far end has some black berries and a baby fig tree growing. To the right of the picture, you can see the passion fruit vine growing up a trellis so it can shade the west wall of the house to lower my cooling costs during the summer. Helped a whole lot.

    Last edited by James Bang; 3 Weeks Ago at 11:34 AM.

  4. Back To Top    #4

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    To help with fertilization and for delicious eggs, I decided to get chickens.

    Such easy creatures to care for and they give eggs. Almost 1 per day per chicken. I start with 4, my child accidentally killed 2, then we got 4 more, so 6 now. The 4 new ones haven't started laying yet.

    DIY:d my own coop as they can be pretty pricey. All free wood. Just needed the hardware and hardware cloth.

    Added a longer enclosed run. I've since incorporated my compost pile to far right of the run. No pictures though.

    Neighbor lady gives me her green bin full of food scraps she gets from volunteering at food banks

  5. Back To Top    #5

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    To help feed the chickens, I farm black soldier fly larvae (BSFL). BSFL eat just about everything, except carbonous stuff and bones. They eat every thing else my composting worm farm doesn't. Dairy products, fats, means, even literal shit, they will devour.
    Unlike composting worms which produce worm castings, which is amazing for microbes, BSFL just get big and fat and then self-harvest to be fed to the chickens who love them. Just about half fat and half protein.

    They crawl upwards when they reach a certain age and size, to get out of the stanky food to hopefully hatch and get their wings.

    The up ramp gets funneled into a hole, which they drop into a harvest bin where they wait to get eaten.

    Life is good.

    They also get the salad bar

    A local micro-brewer also gives me his spent grain which the chickens eat.
    Last edited by James Bang; 3 Weeks Ago at 09:16 AM.

  6. Back To Top    #6
    Noob naiku's Avatar
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    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    Awesome garden and use of the space you have there. I want to get a veggie garden going, but just find I never have the time to actually tend to it and so it goes to crap.

    [QUOTE = James Bang]
    Such easy creatures to care for and they give eggs

    They do give eggs and taking care of them is pretty easy, but at least here, it can be insanely stressful trying to keep them alive. We have had them snatched by -
    Bears - just bent the fence over and snatched a chicken.
    Foxes - During the day we let them free range on the property, not uncommon to realize one is missing and eventually find a pile of feathers in the woods.
    Hawks - Just snatch them.

    Came across a big black snake snacking on the eggs one day, just left him alone to finish his meal.
    Another white wagon.
    Instagram - eye_take_pix

  7. Back To Top    #7

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    Sucks to hear about all the predators you have eyeing your chickens. I hear about people having a few dogs to help ward of the likes of foxes. Some say having black chickens and fake crow statues somewhat ward off hawks.

    As for maintaining veggies, I would highly suggest timed irrigation, so instead of the plants dying if you slack off, they'll go out of control instead, which is a better problem to have. If anything, the stuff will go to seed to save for later, can be used as chicken fodder, or biomass for the compost pile.

  8. Back To Top    #8

    Topical Salves and Balms

    Things to do with the stuff grown (or bought):
    Dried herbs and flowers can be used to infuse oils to be used topically to make use of the plants' benefits. Plants can be anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, and anti-microbial to help protect and heal issues that can be treated topically.

    How to:
    Toss dried herbs in glass jar
    Cover with oil of choice
    Heat for ~6 hours, not going above 140 degrees F. The longer the better for a stronger infusion.

    I use a thermostat controlled outlet with a slow cooker to make things easy.

    Now you're left with infused oil, which can be used as-is with cooking or on the skin.

    To make a salve to use topically, melt beeswax and add the infused oils. 3:1 or 5:1 oil to beeswax ratio works well.

  9. Back To Top    #9

    Re: Topical Salves and Balms

    After setting up the back yard, I needed more space for more plants, especially fruit trees. The previous owners replaced half the lawn with a landscape of rocks and huge concrete pavers, and under it was mostly sand. The other half was dying grass. I hate grass.
    Rocks and weed barriers were removed and plants were planted.

    Here's a before:

    And Afters

  10. Back To Top    #10

    Re: Rain water harvesting

    Plants need lots of water, myself as well, so I harvest the rain and use it for later

    That 40 gallon barrel won't do much, so more was needed. In comes the ibc totes

    Black giftwrapping to prevent algae

    First flush filter

    Two more stuffed behind my shed, a once useless space.

    Wifey thinks we have enough, but I disagree

    If/when shtf, the water will be filtered by the gravity ceramic purifiers so we can drink.

    Some 55 gal drums are placed here and there as well to give me about 1600 gallons capacity.
    I wish I had the land to fit a dedicated cistern instead, but doing what I can on this 7k sqft lot.
    Last edited by James Bang; 3 Weeks Ago at 06:38 PM.

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