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Thread: Helix Psix RTA, 3 Way DLS, Microphone Leviosa MCX01 | Nissan Note

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    Helix Psix RTA, 3 Way DLS, Microphone Leviosa MCX01 | Nissan Note

    Hello Everybody.. I hope you are fine and healthy..

    I shared a photo for my car sound system..


    Tweeter :
    HP 4000 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct
    LP 20000 Butterworth Slope Off

    Midrange : Only Midrange Polarity Inverted
    HP 400 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct
    LP 4000 Butterworth -24dB/Oct

    Midwoofer :
    HP 65 Linkwitz - 24dB/Oct
    LP 400 Butterworth - 24 dB/Oct

    Sub : Only Sub 5.625 °
    HP 25 Butterworth -24 dB/Oct
    LP 62 Butterworth -24 dB/Oct

    As this settings graph is looking in below..

    If I changed settings as below instead of now.

    Tweeter :
    HP 4400 Butterworth -24 dB/Oct
    LP 20000 Butterworth Slope Off

    Midrange : Only Midrange Polarity Inverted
    HP 300 Butterworth -24 dB/Oct
    LP 4000 Butterworth -24dB/Oct

    Midwoofer :
    HP 75 Butterworth - 24dB/Oct
    LP 270 Butterworth - 24 dB/Oct

    Sub : Only Sub 5.625 °
    HP 25 Butterworth -24 dB/Oct
    LP 55 Butterworth -24 dB/Oct

    As this settings graph is looking in below..

    Also, I have Streaming USB Microphone Leviosa MCX01. I tried searching calibration file but couldn't find. I talked with customer service team of Leviosa. They do not have any calibration file.. If i can use the rta function on the Psix with the Leviosa MCX01? Can I get correct measurement for original with cal.txt file in C: Drive Helix Folder?

    In general, what would you advise on frequency curves, cutoff values ​​and RTA for a 3-way audio system?

  2. Back To Top    #2
    Noob Jdunk54nl's Avatar
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    Re: Helix Psix RTA, 3 Way DLS, Microphone Leviosa MCX01 | Nissan Note

    Best advice is to get a true measurement microphone like a umm-6, umik1, or even better yet a soundcard like the motu m2/m4 and a xlr mic like the behringer, emm-6, earthworks, etc.

    Your studio mic WILL NOT work.

    Also not sure why you have polarity inverted on the mids...

    All of those electrical settings you have mean absolutely nothing. It is all about the acoustical measurements. They need to look like the graphs you have made using electrical settings, but the electrical settings will not be anywhere near that nice. You will have weird crossover values, slopes, and types.
    2014 F150 Limited -> Kenwood DDX-9907xr -> Helix DSP.2 -> Alpine PDX-V9 -> SI M25 mki in Valicar Stuttgart Pods, Rear SB17's, Sub SI BM MKV's in MTI BOX. Alpine PDX-F6 -> SI Tm65 mkIV, SI M3 mkI in Valicar Stuttgart Pods

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    Re: Helix Psix RTA, 3 Way DLS, Microphone Leviosa MCX01 | Nissan Note

    Tweeter : Dls Nordica
    HP : 2500 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct
    LP : By pass

    This first picture is of tweeters - individual left and right measurements.
    The response of the tweeters according to the above cut-off frequencies is as above.

    Midrange : Dls Scandinavia 3
    HP : 250 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct
    LP : 5000 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct

    This second picture is of midranges- individual left and right measurements.
    The response of the midranges according to the above cut-off frequencies is as above.

    Midwoofer : Dls Scandinavia 6
    HP : 60 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct
    LP : 600 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct

    This second picture is of midwoofers - individual left and right measurements.
    The response of the midwoofers according to the above cut-off frequencies is as above.

    Subwoofer : Dls Nordica 12i
    HP : 30 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct
    LP : 100 Linkwitz -24 dB/Oct

    This second picture is of subwoofer - individual left and right measurements.
    The response of the subwoofer according to the above cut-off frequencies is as above.

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    Re: Helix Psix RTA, 3 Way DLS, Microphone Leviosa MCX01 | Nissan Note

    I kept these frequencies in a slightly wider range to see the responses of the speakers in the car. I never use the midwoofer LP 600. I don't use HP 250 for midrange. As I said, I only cut a wide range of frequencies. To see the speakers' response. What's your comment for Tweeter? Also the right midwoofer looks a little different.

    I used Dayton Audio Mic. I'd say I adjusted the frequency ranges a little wide to see what the speakers were responding to me.
    What would you suggest based on these images? The measurement photos above contain 1/24 smoothing. I also combine them all with 1/3 above..
    If you want you can download
    Rew _ All Measurements .mdat file from link.

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    Noob Cathul's Avatar
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    Re: Helix Psix RTA, 3 Way DLS, Microphone Leviosa MCX01 | Nissan Note

    The tweeters are offaxis? I ask as they start to drop very very early in the high frequencies.
    For a start i would try 2nd order Bessel on the tweeters at 4000Hz for the highpass.
    For midbass drivers... measure them without any crossover first. Midrange... a crossover 24dB LR at the resonance frequency. Otherwise you cannot make a recommendation.
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