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Thread: There are two main sources of power in your system

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    Noob Mel Jones's Avatar
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    Lightbulb There are two main sources of power in your system

    I get a lot of PM's with comments that go like this..

    "I'd like to be in the upper 13's or even 14's full tilt", & hoping for that with one, maybe two alternators on 12,000 watts of power."

    There are two main sources of power in your system. One is the alternator, which is around 14.5 volts, & the other is the battery, which is 12.8-13.3 at best. So basically two voltage levels, 13.0 & 14.5,... & a very, very small gray area in-between those two numbers.

    The higher voltage source is the one producing ALL the current until the voltage drops to the next highest source, then that one will start helping. That's why you see voltage go from 14.5 to upper 12's very fast once it starts to move.
    If you want "Alternator Voltage", anything higher than very low 13's,.. then you need more alternator power than you are pulling from your amplifiers.

    So if you have, let's say,12,000 watts, which is around 1000-1400 amps of current draw, depending on the amplifier & how you have it configured... You'll need 1000-1400 amps, or more, of alternator power to maintain - "Alternator Voltage", (13.5 or higher)
    The only real exception to this rule are banks of caps.

    Caps produce voltage at the same level you charge them to. .. so in essence, they act just like an alternator, the only difference being they don't produce their own power, They produce what the alt puts in them.


    Attachment 16252Attachment 16253Attachment 16251

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    Re: There are two main sources of power in your system

    Use lto would be my suggestion, 80ah or 90ah of yinlong will give a very stable voltage with a 275a alt up it’s backside for a ten kw setup… that’s plenty for a daily driven, not wired into the impedance of a nail system

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    Wave Shepherd - aka Jazzi Justin Zazzi's Avatar
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    Re: There are two main sources of power in your system

    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa_IraggiAlts View Post
    There are two main sources of power in your system. One is the alternator, which is around 14.5 volts, & the other is the battery, which is 12.8-13.3 at best. So basically two voltage levels, 13.0 & 14.5,... & a very, very small gray area in-between those two numbers.
    Sounds good! Would it be any more clear adding something like: when the voltage does sag down to battery level around 12v'ish, the alternator is still producing as much power as it can too. At that point both power sources are working, the battery doesn't just take over.
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    Senior Member jrwalte's Avatar
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    Re: There are two main sources of power in your system

    And if constantly at that state of 12vish, then 1) the battery wears out quickly and 2) the alt may not keep the battery charged.

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