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Thread: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

  1. Back To Top    #111

    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphonic View Post
    Maybe a little bit of both, but I can't get poison ivy so to me it doesn't exist.

    If every month you tell me that Joe Biden will not be President by the end of the month, one of these times, you'll be right.

    The 410 - 128 vote I find hard to believe. California hasn't been won by a Republican since 1992(?), so I doubt Trump pulled it off. As someone that lives in a state that is dominated by a single county, I wish this weren't true. Also, the report claims the real results of the 2020 U.S. election were found on a computer server that was seized by the U.S. military in Frankfurt, Germany. So, several members of the US military were (are) willing to commit treason to ensure that Biden (or an actor) is President.

    Does COVID exist? Who knows for sure. With the use of the internet, it's not all that hard to find people that agree or disagree with you on a subject, even if you're all wrong (or right). What I do know is, that sometime last year, I had a virus and lost my sense of smell (and most of my sense of taste) and it hasn't returned. In all the years I've been alive, this has never happened. Was it COVID? No idea, I didn't go get tested. (And let's be real, would it have mattered anyways?) Don't really know what caused it, but something did.
    I haven't said it every month, and the fact that there is a slight delay does not make it wrong. The truth is, Biden is not president and Trump actually is, but that revelation hasn't been made public yet. The face you see on TV is not Biden, it is an actor. THAT in itself makes me technically right, though I did say that the actor would be taken down, and though he is currently being controlled, he still is the public face that those who are fast asleep still believe to be the legitimate president.

    Because you lost your sense of smell, does not prove Covid exists (though this is the most common response I get from those who want to convince me that it does exist). You should Google the various things that cause a loss of taste and smell, I have read quite a bit on the subject. The Olfactory nerve controls both taste and smell and they work hand in hand... There are many things that can cause a loss of taste and smell via their effect on the Olfactory nerve: common cold, flu, allergies, sinus problems, infections, medications, oral hygiene, dental issues, aging, alcohol, smoking, etc. The list goes on and on... Do you see how ridiculous it is use that argument as evidence that you actually had a novel virus called Covid19?

    California flipped for Trump. Yes, there are some/many who have committed treason. I wouldn't say anyone ensured the Biden actor was made president... I would say they have allowed the movie to play on main stream media for a short period of time, and that this is part of a larger plan for Trump and the military to expose the crimes. Biden is not in the White House, he never was. Biden is only the president to those gullible enough to believe that the MSM is telling the truth. Trump and the military knew there would be massive election fraud and they were watching it happen in real time. Do you really think that NSA's surveillance capabilities all of a sudden stopping working when it came to the elections?

    I live in Los Angeles county as well, and I see first hand the devastating effects of democrats being in control. But I am seeing people all around me waking up to this fact, and literally "flipping for Trump!" THANK GOD!

    I have some ongoing bets on whether or not Trump is the legitimate president and that he WILL be recognized as such soon (within the calendar year 2021). You are welcome to get on that bet if you'd like.
    2019 Jeep Wrangler 2 Door - Morel Elate 3 way, Mmats HiFi 6150 & M2000.2, Hutchinson NDFEB 10", MiniDSP w/DL, Fiio X5


  2. Back To Top    #112
    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidRam View Post
    I haven't said it every month, and the fact that there is a slight delay does not make it wrong. The truth is, Biden is not president and Trump actually is, but that revelation hasn't been made public yet. The face you see on TV is not Biden, it is an actor. THAT in itself makes me technically right, though I did say that the actor would be taken down, and though he is currently being controlled, he still is the public face that those who are fast asleep still believe to be the legitimate president.
    It looks like there's going to be more than a "slight delay". If Trump is really the President, he's doing a horrible job. Will there still be an election in 2024 or is that off? If Trump was debating an actor(s) during the debates, he should have used his airtime pointing this out. I don't recall him doing so.

    Because you lost your sense of smell, does not prove Covid exists (though this is the most common response I get from those who want to convince me that it does exist). You should Google the various things that cause a loss of taste and smell, I have read quite a bit on the subject. The Olfactory nerve controls both taste and smell and they work hand in hand... There are many things that can cause a loss of taste and smell via their effect on the Olfactory nerve: common cold, flu, allergies, sinus problems, infections, medications, oral hygiene, dental issues, aging, alcohol, smoking, etc. The list goes on and on... Do you see how ridiculous it is use that argument as evidence that you actually had a novel virus called Covid19?
    I can't find the part where I said "I lost my sense of smell and that proves I had COVID!" I have no idea what caused it and you are unable to give me a definitive answer either.

    California flipped for Trump. Yes, there are some/many who have committed treason. I wouldn't say anyone ensured the Biden actor was made president... I would say they have allowed the movie to play on main stream media for a short period of time, and that this is part of a larger plan for Trump and the military to expose the crimes. Biden is not in the White House, he never was. Biden is only the president to those gullible enough to believe that the MSM is telling the truth. Trump and the military knew there would be massive election fraud and they were watching it happen in real time. Do you really think that NSA's surveillance capabilities all of a sudden stopping working when it came to the elections?

    I live in Los Angeles county as well, and I see first hand the devastating effects of democrats being in control. But I am seeing people all around me waking up to this fact, and literally "flipping for Trump!" THANK GOD!
    If it's obvious that Trump won California, why are they bothering trying to do recounts in states that only carry a fraction of the votes? If Trump and the military knew there would be massive election fraud and they were watching it happen in real time, why did the military commit treason by letting it happen and now continue doing so by supporting it? Trump was still the President and Commander-In-Chief until January 20th...

    I have some ongoing bets on whether or not Trump is the legitimate president and that he WILL be recognized as such soon (within the calendar year 2021). You are welcome to get on that bet if you'd like.
    I'll be part of the bet when you give me an EXACT date i.e. if you say Biden will be gone by August 28, 2021. If you can pull it off, I shall call you Daveramdamus...

    At the end of the day, if Trump would have stayed off social media, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation because he'd still be in the Oval Office.

  3. Back To Top    #113

    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    The Vaxxed Are the Super Spreaders
    "It's a Good Life."

  4. Back To Top    #114

    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphonic View Post
    It looks like there's going to be more than a "slight delay". If Trump is really the President, he's doing a horrible job. Will there still be an election in 2024 or is that off? If Trump was debating an actor(s) during the debates, he should have used his airtime pointing this out. I don't recall him doing so.

    I can't find the part where I said "I lost my sense of smell and that proves I had COVID!" I have no idea what caused it and you are unable to give me a definitive answer either.

    If it's obvious that Trump won California, why are they bothering trying to do recounts in states that only carry a fraction of the votes? If Trump and the military knew there would be massive election fraud and they were watching it happen in real time, why did the military commit treason by letting it happen and now continue doing so by supporting it? Trump was still the President and Commander-In-Chief until January 20th...

    I'll be part of the bet when you give me an EXACT date i.e. if you say Biden will be gone by August 28, 2021. If you can pull it off, I shall call you Daveramdamus...

    At the end of the day, if Trump would have stayed off social media, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation because he'd still be in the Oval Office.
    Word salad...

    The bet is very simple. Trump will be publicly recognized as the legitimate president of the US this year.

    Put up or...
    2019 Jeep Wrangler 2 Door - Morel Elate 3 way, Mmats HiFi 6150 & M2000.2, Hutchinson NDFEB 10", MiniDSP w/DL, Fiio X5


  5. Back To Top    #115
    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidRam View Post
    Word salad...

    The bet is very simple. Trump will be publicly recognized as the legitimate president of the US this year.

    Put up or...
    In January, people bet me that Harris would be President by June because Biden would step down or be deemed unfit. I said it wouldn't happen because her own party didn't like her enough. Haven't seen a dime yet. I imagine you'd be the same.

    If you want to say that COVID doesn't exist, that's fine but you're not helping Trump. He claims that Operation Warp Speed was one of his great achievements as President and that it probably saved hundreds of millions. I'm not sure how the plan to fast track a vaccine for a nonexistent virus can be called a success. If you're right about the virus, it makes him look like a puppet.

  6. Back To Top    #116
    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Trump came up with the vaccine and he recommends you take it, but he also believes in your freedoms. Not a fan of Twitter, but it was the only clip I could find.

  7. Back To Top    #117

    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphonic View Post
    In January, people bet me that Harris would be President by June because Biden would step down or be deemed unfit. I said it wouldn't happen because her own party didn't like her enough. Haven't seen a dime yet. I imagine you'd be the same.

    If you want to say that COVID doesn't exist, that's fine but you're not helping Trump. He claims that Operation Warp Speed was one of his great achievements as President and that it probably saved hundreds of millions. I'm not sure how the plan to fast track a vaccine for a nonexistent virus can be called a success. If you're right about the virus, it makes him look like a puppet.
    Place your bet...
    2019 Jeep Wrangler 2 Door - Morel Elate 3 way, Mmats HiFi 6150 & M2000.2, Hutchinson NDFEB 10", MiniDSP w/DL, Fiio X5


  8. Back To Top    #118
    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidRam View Post
    Place your bet...
    Why? You won’t pay.

    Go get your vaccine, Trump recommends it.

  9. Back To Top    #119

    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphonic View Post
    Why? You won’t pay.

    Go get your vaccine, Trump recommends it.
    You know I'm right.. You're scared. It's ok.
    2019 Jeep Wrangler 2 Door - Morel Elate 3 way, Mmats HiFi 6150 & M2000.2, Hutchinson NDFEB 10", MiniDSP w/DL, Fiio X5


  10. Back To Top    #120
    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Re: Not looking good for Trump, or Biden, or DIYMA...

    Scared of you being right? Hardly. You want to make a bet where there’s no winning scenario for me. If you’re right, you’ll brag and want money. If I’m right, I won’t collect and Biden will still be in office. If Biden is still in office, not only did I lose, the whole country did.

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