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Thread: Personal Offence...?

  1. Back To Top    #21
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Buff View Post

    I found your example of the young girl with the tea party thing really proved your point. I don't have kids (that's a blessing to the world) but I can see that really screwing up a well meaning young girl. That sort of shit is low ass pariah gutter maggot filth.
    Two things I would query though; firstly you mention that the perpetrators are mostly 'entitled white assholes'? Any time I have encountered individuals who called me out for something potentially offensive I said; I have put the subject or put them to bed pretty easily. I think that the entitlement you speak of is either
    • blatant arrogance ('I can count to one and stand in a dole line; so that means I am the shit and can call out whomever I wish') or what I feel is much more common,
    • a growing number of people with inferiority complex's that play out in a similar manner (call out offence at whatever etc.).

    Bit of a lengthy discussion as to personally where I feel the second one comes from...but my point really is that I don't see these people as 'elite' at all. Perhaps I have misunderstood your wording...but physically, financially, social class etc.; I feel like all these people are nothing useful to anything in the first place and so create this pissweak facade of offence at something as a means of defining themselves as relevant.

    I guess much the same as what you have said!! However I would have to add that at some point after BLM etc. started there were some black people getting up and saying that Church windows that depicted Jesus should be destroyed because this was some form of white person rubbish (forgive me as I cannot remember the exact reasoning that was put out). There is my ultimate point hidden in there; but for now I guess I don't think it is only white people making trouble from nothing.

    I guess what I'm getting at is we have a society where people get offended on behalf of other people...whether they're actually offended or not. We also change rules and policies to prevent people from possibly getting offended. IOW, I work in a company where we're not supposed to say Merry Christmas simply because a couple of people people don't celebrate it. It seems if you can't be 100% inclusive, then you can't include anyone.

    We have a reverse democracy...minority rules

  2. Back To Top    #22

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl205 View Post
    I guess what I'm getting at is we have a society where people get offended on behalf of other people...whether they're actually offended or not. We also change rules and policies to prevent people from possibly getting offended. IOW, I work in a company where we're not supposed to say Merry Christmas simply because a couple of people people don't celebrate it. It seems if you can't be 100% inclusive, then you can't include anyone.

    We have a reverse democracy...minority rules

    Your perceptions have been my experience as well. During a few of my stints in the university setting, I was supportive of inclusive language...then it went really deep (I felt it was too far) and it got harder and harder to speak, almost to the point of not being able to effectively communicate.

    What I had to learn is that I need to be aware of my speech and do my best to communicate with compassion. The proper words will be imparted as I show real kindness to persons who aren't like me. We will all make "errors" in other's opinions, but ignorance is not the sin of racism, nor should our mistake become an unfair characterization we carry the rest of our days (i.e. girl who said negative term years ago on a video). We all should allow each other to grow and learn.

    Where our nation seems to be slipping is we are super aggressive versus the majority and almost give minority interests a pass when they don't acknowledge us (or me). My example of this is when folks call me "black" or "colored" or even "negro"...I don't get me, it's all about our collective experiences and if they don't know how to address me, it is not a matter of offense, it is a matter of personal experience. My friends and neighbors know how to address me and how i like to be communicated with because we have a relationship. But how do you develop a relationship if we walk around pissed off all the time? Anger is ruining communication and our collective kindness. I remember "The good ole days" of disagreeing with people and it not ruining our night, let alone our relationships. I won't let that happen if i can help it. We are in this life together!

    P.S. My late daddy used to say, "Don't take up other's offenses, they will one day be healed and forgiveness will occur, but how will you heal or move forward when the offender did nothing to you?"
    Last edited by agm; 01-01-2021 at 05:48 PM.

  3. Back To Top    #23

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Buff View Post
    Well then. I believe there are two people here who have claimed a 'religious belief' of some nature. My apologies for the other guy; I'll deal with him shortly. I sure as hell am not perfect - I have said things on this very site that I have come back on and had to say 'my bad...I was having a bad day or something; but that was not what I apologies' - but I sure try to be respectful and sensible as much as possible. Faith typically has a humbling effect when it is genuine...for now that less than subtle riposte shall suffice.

    I found your example of the young girl with the tea party thing really proved your point. I don't have kids (that's a blessing to the world) but I can see that really screwing up a well meaning young girl. That sort of shit is low ass pariah gutter maggot filth.
    Two things I would query though; firstly you mention that the perpetrators are mostly 'entitled white assholes'? Any time I have encountered individuals who called me out for something potentially offensive I said; I have put the subject or put them to bed pretty easily. I think that the entitlement you speak of is either
    • blatant arrogance ('I can count to one and stand in a dole line; so that means I am the shit and can call out whomever I wish') or what I feel is much more common,
    • a growing number of people with inferiority complex's that play out in a similar manner (call out offence at whatever etc.).

    Bit of a lengthy discussion as to personally where I feel the second one comes from...but my point really is that I don't see these people as 'elite' at all. Perhaps I have misunderstood your wording...but physically, financially, social class etc.; I feel like all these people are nothing useful to anything in the first place and so create this pissweak facade of offence at something as a means of defining themselves as relevant.

    I guess much the same as what you have said!! However I would have to add that at some point after BLM etc. started there were some black people getting up and saying that Church windows that depicted Jesus should be destroyed because this was some form of white person rubbish (forgive me as I cannot remember the exact reasoning that was put out). There is my ultimate point hidden in there; but for now I guess I don't think it is only white people making trouble from nothing.

    I have not read the essay as I sort of get the gist. I agree with your statement...however my query remains (or maybe I am making it now!) of how the hell this 'moral one-upmanship' doesn't seem to be 'pissing off'? It is obviously a defeatist concept as eventually everyone will be offended at everything and we will all be forced to have lobotomy's and stare into space like zombies. Yet as per BigAl's comment 'it's only going to get worse' much worse can it get?

    To me...well...I am a single, straight, middle aged I guess, I'm not ugly and I work out and keep physically in shape, I like boobs and beer, I have enough money to live a bit (and not need to work), I am degree qualified, Christian, and I am male. I seriously feel like in this 'take offence at everything' world I have a flashing target on my back for all these haters. It's a pile of bullshit snowballing out of control.

    Interested in any thoughts/agreement/disagreement...particularly where the hell the end of it is going to come from...? We have a pretty poor democracy if every political and social opinion is based on the 0.01% of easily offendable troglodytes and the platform the suck hole media give them...

    Right. I've had a shitful of listening to your bullshit Mr Minister. The only person looking for a fight here is you.

    Listen bud. You don't know how many people of different ethnicities I have met in my life. I didn't say bigotry and racism are 'outmoded concepts'; what the hell were you reading? 'We' didn't treat aboriginals in any manner, I am not taking responsibility for anything other than what I do and neither should anyone else! That is a fundamental tenet of the Bible after all...'free will' should know that Mr Minister. True though...I don't have people around me telling me how they feel picked on for being black. I seem to remember mentioning that I had experienced bigotry all my life due to my religious beliefs though...does that count?

    I'm really starting to get pissed off so I will sign out with a beauty. God bless the US...but only the US. Everywhere else is heathen and backward. Screw them. They don't deserve God. You idiot.

    You sound 100% like Sam Spade. Argue with everyone about everything but never actually pay attention to anything they said because whatever you want to say is so much more important.
    Hello my friend (and I mean this) I apologize if you felt I was speaking AT you instead of replying to your questions about the United States. Wasn't that your earlier question? I was referring to our populace not you directly. I actually agree much more than i disagree, but you asked "Why are people acting this way?" (paraphrase) So i answered from my experience. I never characterized anyone as anything, I am sharing my experience and equating said experiences with others opinions coming from their experiences. When I say WE i refer to society at large and include myself. I do take responsibility for doing little or nothing to help others in need or being mistreated. Then i can be part of the solution. If you never hear from me and about my perspective (being that it is different) how would your original questions be answered? If you only want to hear from people who agree 100% with you, a convo this is not.

    My first post about your experiences actually dealt directly with abuse related to faith. It is not disposable but it is mostly not visible. I cannot take off my skin to hide my color, thereby ill treatment doesn't occur when others "find out" what i am, it happens regardless of my inner dimensions. You're correct Sir, there is NO DIFFERENCE in that kind of hate. It's ugly and wrong.

    I have nor will I ever mistreat someone on the board. This is a great place to disagree and grow. I am here to listen and I hope i didn't fail in that. I never said God bless USA and no one else, I speak in multiple locations in Australia and care for your land greatly. I am very sorry if that's what my statements sounded like. My fault! Since this convo was seemingly addressing the ills of our nation, I tried to stay on that topic. With all the anger that is prevalent in our nation right now, we need all the help we can get. May the blessings of God flow to all our lands!!!

    You are correct, I don't know you and your experiences, that's why we're here! I will do and be better in communicating to learn more and not focus on my thoughts alone.

    P.S. the Bible does promote free will clearly, however the sins of society are the responsibility of us all...that IS the core of Biblical tenets my friend.
    Last edited by agm; 01-01-2021 at 06:32 PM.

  4. Back To Top    #24

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Buff View Post
    .... I have not read the essay as I sort of get the gist. I agree with your statement...however my query remains (or maybe I am making it now!) of how the hell this 'moral one-upmanship' doesn't seem to be 'pissing off'? It is obviously a defeatist concept as eventually everyone will be offended at everything and we will all be forced to have lobotomy's and stare into space like zombies. Yet as per BigAl's comment 'it's only going to get worse' much worse can it get?

    To me...well...I am a single, straight, middle aged I guess, I'm not ugly and I work out and keep physically in shape, I like boobs and beer, I have enough money to live a bit (and not need to work), I am degree qualified, Christian, and I am male. I seriously feel like in this 'take offence at everything' world I have a flashing target on my back for all these haters. It's a pile of bullshit snowballing out of control.

    Interested in any thoughts/agreement/disagreement...particularly where the hell the end of it is going to come from...? We have a pretty poor democracy if every political and social opinion is based on the 0.01% of easily offendable troglodytes and the platform the suck hole media give them... ....
    I think we have already seen the worst, and that it has already begun to "piss off." Of course, there will always be aggressively ignorant, virtue signaling, authoritarian crybully ideologues. However, even now, as Al suggested, they are a tiny minority. And I think more and more of the rest of us are seeing just how absurd all of this is, and where it inevitably leads …and we're not buying it anymore. We've already begun to push back, and I think the popularity of Trump is among many signs of this.

    They are a paper tiger. Demoralization is their game, their primary weapon. We must not let them trick us into thinking they are winning, and we must not let them use our own good nature against us.

    Last edited by Grinder; 01-02-2021 at 12:05 AM.

  5. Back To Top    #25
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Personal Offence...?

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  6. Back To Top    #26

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by ca90ss View Post
    If you're gonna say it you have to deal with the consequences.
    Funny - black people say it ALL OF THE TIME - yet they don't seem to have to "deal with the consequences"? However, if a white person says it, all of the sudden it's the worst thing that could ever be said in the history of the world. Does that mean that *they* are the racist ones - since they only have a problem with it when it's said by certain races?

    Like I said, the word is said all of the time in rap videos and even in everyday conversation among blacks - and nobody has a problem with that - but God forbid a white person says it in exactly the same way.

    It's a freaking word - if a word *really* triggers you that badly, there is something else going on. If someone says "cracker" - or "whitey" - or "honky" - it certainly doesn't "trigger" me like that.

    It's funny - I've been watching "All In The Family" episodes - and they used to be able to joke back and forth about the racial stereotypes without all of the drama. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. Races are different - they do have different customs, different preferences and even physical differences - we should be able to discuss and laugh about the differences instead of getting all worked up over them.

  7. Back To Top    #27

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by jtrosky View Post
    Funny - black people say it ALL OF THE TIME - yet they don't seem to have to "deal with the consequences"? However, if a white person says it, all of the sudden it's the worst thing that could ever be said in the history of the world. Does that mean that *they* are the racist ones - since they only have a problem with it when it's said by certain races?

    Like I said, the word is said all of the time in rap videos and even in everyday conversation among blacks - and nobody has a problem with that - but God forbid a white person says it in exactly the same way.

    It's a freaking word - if a word *really* triggers you that badly, there is something else going on. If someone says "cracker" - or "whitey" - or "honky" - it certainly doesn't "trigger" me like that.

    It's funny - I've been watching "All In The Family" episodes - and they used to be able to joke back and forth about the racial stereotypes without all of the drama. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. Races are different - they do have different customs, different preferences and even physical differences - we should be able to discuss and laugh about the differences instead of getting all worked up over them.
    Yessir, you're on to something bro! I have used the word...yet why did i get mad when others said it to me in a mean way? I was giving them power to hurt me without sticks or stones. I was young, I was ignorant, I was abused and thought a harsh reaction would somehow keep me safe. NOPE! The answer for me was focusing on the good relationships and the good in my life. It's hypocrisy to do what I wish others wouldn't...I was wrong.

    Comedy is a powerful tool for disarming the ridiculousness of oversensitivity! When we laugh together, the conversation gets way better...the result can be friendship...not antagonizing! You're right, the words should not have power over our common decency and common sense. My dad was snuck out of the deep South in the 20's as a child because of the threat of re-enslavement...years later he laughed his butt off at Archie Bunker! Part of the answer is not taking ourselves too seriously.
    Last edited by agm; 01-02-2021 at 12:09 PM.

  8. Back To Top    #28

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by agm View Post
    Ha Ha Ha! And i thought my example was overly simplistic. Electing a black president does not negate the daily life impacting slights of generations any more than calling women "Equal-citizens" raises their pay to that of the average man with equal qualifications. BTW, if you think Barack Obama was voted to be president primarily because he was his bio of accomplishments before election and that of Ronald Reagan. I'm sorry my friend, Ronny would lose to Barack if you're talking qualifications. Columbia University and Harvard Law Graduate? A practicing constitutional and civil rights attorney? Professor at University of Chicago Law? Seven Years as a Senator?

    How is that LARGELY BECAUSE He's BLACK? Wow...I don't think you fully considered what you wrote my friend. Few former presidents have his pedigree of both education and civil service. And since our current president has no civil service nor a degree beyond a bachelors from Wharton...Mr. Trump would be one of the least formally educated leaders of our nation's history.

    Since i am a brown man, I find it hilarious anyone would begin to tell me what I experience. Thus my first statement rings true...many, many people have no idea because many many people lack close brown-skinned friendships...folks who will be real with them. Therefore, no possible understanding of the minority experience. What you call political, I call daily ritual. I can give four examples of this treatment in my life from this week...however, don't feel sorry for me for that is not my goal. I live and love my life and as i live in and love this great land. But she's got a sinful sickness called racism/prejudice that is both in our perceptions and programs.

    Racism is not a hot-button topic, it is daily life for most minority populations. While you say you don't see it, or experience it in a widespread could you? If you're not standing in my or other's shoes with similar demographics you may never know. What you shared is a great description of what you it excellent or otherwise, I'm not here to disagree with you. I am here to explain how marginalized generations feel (which is also a perspective and neither excellent or otherwise) that contributes to the discussion of "Why some of we Americans are treating those who use the N word with such disdain/strong/over the top treatment." It's exceptionally discouraging when brown people use that word themselves...ugh.
    So you say racism is daily life for most minority populations. You might be right if you are referring to other countries as I can't really comment about other countries. You would def be wrong if you are referring to the US though. The fact is America is the most prosperous and compassionate place in the HISTORY of the world for minorities today. You cannot name a better place in the world for black people than America. And it's not even close.

    Now, black people have always hated the N word until somewhat recently. Did black people refer to themselves as N's in the 40's/50's/60's?? No they didn't. I hear the N word almost every day now. And it's not from white people. Do you know who made it popular today for black people to call each other the N word so much? Take a guess....Richard Pryor. He started calling other black people that in his skits in the 70's. Don't believe me, just go back and watch his early routines or his early movies. It caught on from there with black people. The truth is white people dislike that word more than black people. Personally I find it a vile, disgustingly disrespectful thing to call someone. FWIW I think Pryor was a comedic genius and thought he was very funny. I wish he would have never started saying that though. I thought Archie Bunker was funny too and all those popular movies and tv shows back in the day that could never be repeated again. I could also care less if someone called me a cracker or anything else.

    Since you are a pastor. I have a question for you. Do you generally agree with reverend Jeremiah Wright and Raphael Warnock's opinions on race in America today?
    Last edited by jettyman; 01-03-2021 at 08:51 AM.

  9. Back To Top    #29

    Re: Personal Offence...?

  10. Back To Top    #30

    Re: Personal Offence...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Buff View Post
    I am just reading about some young girl in America that had a short video of her using the ‘n’ word in a short derogatory sentence. It seems to have had some fairly giant ramifications for her...whether or not her life will continue is as it is; however I can only imagine the stigma that she will have to live with for quite a while.

    Of note is that I have not a defended her actions. I will not apologise for what I haven’t said or any egregious statements that others <may> imbue I am alluding to.

    My query is twofold:

    1. I am from Australia...the ‘n’ word has become a much more serious issue than it once was. However it isn’t thought of as seriously as it is in America. I was recently on the PlayStation where two young guys (early teens, I am 40 FWIW) continually and in a derogatory manner used the ‘n’ word in describing their gameplay and insulting others (who weren't one really is black around Australia as a general thing). I let them know that they were being little shits and that they needed to grow the f**k up. They ignored me; I remember being that age and knowing everything about the world I guess. However such extreme action as has been taken against this young girl in America due to saying a word does not exist here.

    As such I wondered if someone could explain to me what I don’t understand...why has it become the way it is in America...? I do not see the reason why the likely ’brain fade’ and inept quip including the word by this young girl has managed to escalate to the level of completely blowing up her life. I don’t personally understand that...? I am naive of how Americans feel this concept and I am wondering if someone could respond on an intellectual level as to how/why it has become as it is.

    I do not want to instigate hatred at me, Australia, Australians, white people, or any other form of insult. Big Al: kill this thread if it starts to head that way. That is not my intention. I am heading in another direction.

    2. From another car audio site a private PM was leaked by a fairly mediocre excuse for a psychopath that detailed my personal religious proclivities (in a frequently offensive manner by said member). Following from that I was not ‘victimised’ as a result of it for the most part; however sadly most comments I made were followed by a remark alluding to my personal beliefs alienating me from the ability to have a logical intelligent opinion. Funny - no chance of trusting anything I say because I am Christian - oh well; pull out some American currency and see if it mentions somewhere on there who to trust. I believe the same statement is labelled ‘the American motto’ according to Wikipedia.

    That was a purely logical however still a low apologies, I digress anyway.

    Even from someone I hold in high regard on both this site and the other; I have been referred to as ‘god botherer’. That is water off a ducks back...I have received FAR worse insults through PM from the previous loose lipped member who revealed personal details and denigrated me publicly and privately.

    I don’t care I have had it all my life; and people will feel as they wish. They will also openly express that opinion to my face with almost blanket member support in derogatory terms...

    So my question: what’s the difference? I get called everything from moronic to indoctrinated to a deluded asshole. I am most certainly none of the above. Yet if I was to actually state the ‘n’ word here I would be black listed. I may be black listed for this post as it is. If it became public I would be hunted around the globe or god knows what (no pun intended).

    Can someone explain to me what the difference is?

    I would really like to see some amenable and respectful discussion on this. For what it’s worth my intended point is NOT to try to engender any sympathy for myself or for religious people at all. My interest is to get some clarification of how the seriousness of the ‘n’ word usage has developed and what it really means in America.

    Should this go off the rails then just kill it with my apologies mods. If it turns into any form of unnecessary hatred of myself, religion, my ‘naivety’, my honesty, my (manufactured) racism or other attacks...that will prove what may be the real reason
    and I will succinctly deliver the inexorablecoup de grâce.

    Twofold part1:
    People use stereotypes because they are on average statistically true.
    race doesn't, or shouldn't, define a person.

    Part 2:What one believes, and the reasoning behind that... their character and moral base... and there world view does define a person.
    That is also staistically more accurate than not.

    I pretty much had to block the person as every PM started off with drama about one person or another. I have enough drama, or a daily limit of how much I can take.

    So the difference is huge. In the first case we define a person for what they are. In the second case we define a person what they believe or hold to be true.
    In that case one can either avoid the topics which they do nor share the same perspective on, or pick at it like a scab.

    I can see how the "botherer" aspect of the term can be offensive. One would be wise to avoid the topic on an audio forum, however there are parallels in the pyschoaccoutics of what we believe in terms of sound, and whether it is there or not... which is shared with other beliefs that are not evidence based.

    Luckily we are not in a theocracy where one needs to conform to the religion or be an apostate or be executed, so i suppose we have made some progress?

    It is probably wiser to avoid the topic, but I do find a few like to relive the martyrdom aspects that were written in the scriptures, and how being "martyred in his name" is a guaranteed way to gain entrance into the kingdom.

    But in reality that is only happening in the levant, and not in any western secular society which is considered part of modernity.


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