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Thread: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

  1. Back To Top    #31
    Noob Ge0's Avatar
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    Re: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidRam View Post
    Don't let him scare you into thinking that's even a remote possibility...

    Smdaniel11 is my guess... It is always my policy to expose dishonest sellers/buyers to hopefully help prevent others from dealing with them.
    If my wife were not running for office right now I would roast this asshole. But, I don't want a dirty pair of shorts to even remotely affect her chances.

    Scanspeak - Dynaudio - Helix - Bose

  2. Back To Top    #32

    Re: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niebur3 View Post
    The FBI, really??? That is hilarious.
    Honestly that's not far fetched. Once the shipping company is fraudulently blamed it becomes mail fraud which is a federal offense.

    Obviously the whole thing is nonsense but they do charge people with mail fraud nowadays for these types of things.

  3. Back To Top    #33

    Re: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

    Is it possible to "ITEM REFUSED" and "RETURN TO SENDER"?

  4. Back To Top    #34

    Re: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ge0 View Post
    I promised JimmyDee I would not post anymore on this topic over on another car audio forum since the seller threatened to sue for defamation.
    Wow, the seller is drinking some pretty wild CrazyAde. I'd love to see him prove damages in order to bring a defamation suit. Also, the easiest retort to most people who threaten that to sue for defamation: "The truth is an absolute defense to defamation."

    Quote Originally Posted by Ge0 View Post
    The seller threatens to sue. He/she says he/she has the police, FBI, and Paypal on the case. He/she has hired an attorney to sue me over theft and slander.
    Unless he lives in some tiny Mayberry town where his uncle is the only cop, he would be told 'sorry, that's a civil matter' if he went to the police with anything resembling this story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ge0 View Post
    The seller continues to send me a sea of texts telling me how awful of a person I was and that I was stealing from him/her. I kept sending time stamped evidence that his/her payment had still not cleared.

    10 days go by and the payment finally clears. I ship his item the next business day. The seller SIGNS for and receives the package.
    Don't lose that receipt/tracking info

    Quote Originally Posted by Ge0 View Post
    The seller sends me a text stating that I waited to long and that he/she was going to prosecute.
    Anyone who says they are going to prosecute has a fundamental lack of understanding of the criminal justice system and is best provided a hammer and directions to the nearest beach or desert. One caveat, this does not apply to your local district attorney.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ge0 View Post
    The seller stating that I stole the item from him/her and that he/she is going to send the item back to me. He/She then actually goes through the expense of shipping the item back. Fedex just dropped the package off on my front porch.

    I'm looking for advice. Fugged up eh? So what he h3ll would you do now?

    The free path is to ignore and block them. The slightly more expensive approach is to have a real lawyer write a letter to the marble-less individual advising that they should stop contacting/harassing you.

  5. Back To Top    #35
    Noob Ge0's Avatar
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    Re: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

    Thank you everyone for your replies. Seven days have gone by without contact from this person. Let's hope it stays this way...

    Scanspeak - Dynaudio - Helix - Bose

  6. Back To Top    #36

    Re: So what would you do from a buyers perspective?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ge0 View Post
    ...The seller SIGNS for and receives the package.

    The seller sends me a text stating that I waited to long and that he/she was going to prosecute. The seller stating that I stole the item from him/her and that he/she is going to send the item back to me. He/She then actually goes through the expense of shipping the item back. Fedex just dropped the package off on my front porch.

    I'm looking for advice. Fugged up eh? So what he h3ll would you do now?

    Do absolutely nothing from the point where you satisfied your end of the obligation.
    You did everything proper on the purchase, and you did everything proper on the return.

    If the seller refunded half and wanted to wait to refund the other half until they received the item from you - I mean that's not unreasonable IF that's terms that you BOTH agreed to, but in this case it sounds like the seller made those terms up in their mind without getting agreement from you BEFORE you started the return process, so that would HAVE to be a legally illegitimate expectation on their part.

    Same for the seller shipping the item back to you - you didn't discuss that, you didn't request that, and you didn't agree to that. Therefore, if the seller made the independent decision to send you the item - that's no cause for any obligation on your part. It was mailed to you - like junk mail, you could do whatever you want with it. Keep it, throw it out, mark it "return to sender" - it's your discretion to do what you like with unsolicited items. Once the sender ships it, they no longer have a say in what you can or should do with that item - again, unless you had some sort of contracted agreement in advance.

    They have zero basis for prosecution, and I think their claim of "the police, the FBI, the PayPal police... and a PI, and a bounty hunter, and and and..." pretty clearly shows this is a kid you are dealing with.
    They have zero basis to pursue anything.

    So, it's smart to document everything in the event that they do pursue something - but they would have to pursue it under very false pretenses, so your documentation and timeline cover you, there... and they'd actually be making themselves vulnerable to fraud charges and you could claim damages on your part accordingly, with the aid of one of those "we'll take the case.... for 50%" lawyers.
    This won't get that far, trust me.

    You got the refund, and somehow the idiot shipped you the item back. You have the shipping label to prove that.
    That's all that happened here. Their fantastical expectations are not your problem.

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