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Thread: Setting gains on DSP and AMP

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    Setting gains on DSP and AMP

    Sorry for the newbie question. I have a Helix DSP.3 and Helix M6 amp I know how to set the incoming gain on the DSP but do I set the outgoing gain with a digital voltmeter? Looks like the M6 has a max of 6V input do I just use the software on the DSP and adjust the outgoing to 6V using a 1khz tone at 0db for the mid and a 60hz tone at 0db for the sub output? Then adjust the amp gains using the square root formula for max output voltage?

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    Noob Jdunk54nl's Avatar
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    Re: Setting gains on DSP and AMP

    For your dsp.3 to m6, you won't clip either of those, they are made to work together. The dsp.3 has a 6v output and a limiter to not allow you to go over that.

    To set amp gains, (You can see Andy Wehmeyer's post about this on facebook)
    Get your RTA out and microphone.
    I like to turn down the dsp output "volumes" a little so I can have some room to adjust things.
    Have your house curve loaded on the RTA window
    Set gains for each set of speakers to match the house curve.
    If not loud enough, this is where turning down the dsp output volumes comes in, turn those back up some until it is.

    The only speakers that could warrant using a dmm or oscope would be your subs, but they are also built to take the abuse of a little clipping.

    If, when you get done you still don't have enough volume, you can always turn up the tweeter and midrange amp gains until the noise level is too much for you then back it off until it is acceptable, then leave those alone and adjust the other gains to match your curve just like before based on the lowest speaker level between your midrange and tweeter.

    Or if you do check your sub with a dmm/oscope, that is the max it will output and set every other gain based on that, you can't increase it as it was already max, so every other speaker will be set based on that on your RTA house curve.
    Last edited by Jdunk54nl; 08-28-2020 at 04:30 PM.
    2014 F150 Limited -> Kenwood DDX-9907xr -> Helix DSP.2 -> Alpine PDX-V9 -> SI M25 mki in Valicar Stuttgart Pods, Rear SB17's, Sub SI BM MKV's in MTI BOX. Alpine PDX-F6 -> SI Tm65 mkIV, SI M3 mkI in Valicar Stuttgart Pods

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    Re: Setting gains on DSP and AMP

    Personally, I used the JL Audio 9-step DMM gain setting procedure that is in their amp manual (manual for my XD600/6v2 amp). I figured why not follow the manufacturers recommend procedure? I used 0dB tones. I set the gains and haven't touched them since. Quick and easy. My system gets louder than I need it to and it's also noise-free, so I haven't seen a need to mess with it.

    I also "boosted" my optical input signal on the Helix DSP.3. Doug from MSC said that he does the same thing. I boosted it by 7db.

    I do keep the Helix "Digital Clipping Protection" option enabled as well (it's enabled by default). This ensures that the Helix won't overdrive it's outputs, as mentioned above (although, watching the channel gain levels in the Helix software (the green/red bars), I never even come close to that anyway. I could probably boost the digital input even more than 7dB, but just don't see the need.

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