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Thread: New Headunit not powering on

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    New Headunit not powering on

    Hi all. I have a question that I fear I wont be able to solve without money. I have a 2002 Mazda Miata, with 2 6.5" 2 ways running through an amp. Everything was working as it should. I wanted a different head unit. So, when I went to wire it in, instead of disconnecting the battery and taking the car side harness out, I cut and spliced it right there in the radio bay. Now the headunit won't power on. I tried wring the old one back in, and it wouldn't power on. I tested the new one on another power source and it will power up. I checked the radio fuse, and it wasn't blown. So, what is the next place to look? What would cutting and splicing with the harness hooked up and the battery connected do? Thanks for your time! Jason

  2. Back To Top    #2
    Senior Member jrwalte's Avatar
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    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    get out your DMM and see if you are getting 12v. Check your fuse boxes under the hood and the one inside your vehicle, probably around dash or kicks for any blown fuses.

    Sounds like you have a blown fuse and just haven't found the right one.

    On the plus side, you didn't damage the new HU.

  3. Back To Top    #3

    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    Blown fuse (there are more than one!) cutting through a bunch of wires is not the cleverest thing to do, not sure if trolling or just that daft....

  4. Back To Top    #4

    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    Quote Originally Posted by dumdum View Post
    Blown fuse (there are more than one!) cutting through a bunch of wires is not the cleverest thing to do, not sure if trolling or just that daft....
    Well Gee, thanks......I was that daft.

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    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    Yeah, if you cut the whole bundle at once, the cutter becomes a conductor between the power and ground, therefore causing a direct short. There's bound to be a blown fuse somewhere.

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    BURNED OUT Hillbilly SQ's Avatar
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    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    I've had a similar issue where it turned out to be a fuse that looked fine but was indeed blown in a way I couldn't tell just by looking at it.
    They might say "don't try this at home" but nothing about not trying it at your friend's house.

  7. Back To Top    #7

    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    I didn't cut the whole bundle all at once, since I have my speakers connected to an amp. But I did look at my fuses under the hood, and I think I found a large square fuse blown. I don't know for certain, but all the other large, square fuses show green through the window, and this one is showing the copper wire. The fuse is for " all ignition components", so it sounds likely, right

  8. Back To Top    #8
    Senior Member jrwalte's Avatar
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    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    do you have a DMM with a continuity tester? Put it on both sides of the fuse. If you don't get the beep, it is blown.

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    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    No. Honestly, I don't know how to use it...or rather what it means. The DMM puts out a pulse, or detects one?

  10. Back To Top    #10
    Senior Member jrwalte's Avatar
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    Re: New Headunit not powering on

    it's a digital multi meter. Can pick up a simple one from Home Depot or Lowes.

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