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Thread: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

  1. Back To Top    #1

    Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    It seems unfortunate that a comparatively high number of OT posts would often overshadow or completely displace car audio posts in the Live Forum Feed.

    Perhaps the exclusion of OT posts from the Live Forum Feed would improve overall user experience and/or forum image.

  2. Back To Top    #2

    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    100% agree with this.

    I can't count how many times I click on this site, have a look at the live feed and see it filled with complete garbage posts... and then just close the site, because I can't be bothered.
    The struggle for me is; I'm really trying to boycott DIYMA and support CAJ. But I find that most of the posts on CAJ are not audio related, and offer nothing that would interest me.

    As an example; I am looking at the live feed section right now (this very second), and here are the topics currently active:
    1. "For The Ladies"
    2. Grey alien interview sans audio
    3. Humour, need a laugh?
    4. Old but evergreen argument, class AB vs D
    5. Queef explained somewhat

    Only one of them has ANYTHING to do with car audio.
    Which is kinda sad... considering we're supposed to be Junkies of CAR AUDIO. Not Junkies of JUNK.
    Sorry, but I come here to learn and talk about car audio (and occasionally contribute to the 'Counting With Pictures' post)...

    I'm not saying that the Off-Topic posts need to go away (everyone has a right to post what they want).
    But I definitely agree that the O-T posts should not show-up in the Live Feed, as they regularly become 80% of the site topics.
    Last edited by JimmyDee; 12-30-2019 at 09:48 AM.
    New Car... Stock Stereo

  3. Back To Top    #3
    A Refined Basshead blockrocker's Avatar
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    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    Perhaps a way for each individual to choose which sub-forums get displayed in the live forum feed. That way you can filter out what doesn't interest you. I agree the live feed gets jammed up, but I'm not opposed to the off-topic stuff as much.

  4. Back To Top    #4

    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    I should add that I am not at all opposed to OT content. In fact, the vast majority of my posts are in OT.

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    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    I agree , since we are in a virtual class room or here to learn . . . Let's make Break room , politics , etc..,
    "Just Get Rid of anything Not Car Audio , Period !

  6. Back To Top    #6
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    Excluding specific forums from the activity stream isn't just a "click-and-done" type of deal. It appears it will take some template modification. I'll look at it more in-depth when I get some free time.

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    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    New Car... Stock Stereo

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    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    Have you considered sub-forums like tuning, music, build logs , then we could click on them ( to see car audio type stuffs ) and Not everybody has posted a build log ( so no ) Queef there !

  9. Back To Top    #9

    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grinder View Post
    I should add that I am not at all opposed to OT content. In fact, the vast majority of my posts are in OT.
    I was thinking this when I seen the who started this thread.

    Your right on point with it. We'll have two wait to weeks for the admins to pretend like they give a crap though.

    Oh wait the admin already has responded and looked in to it. That's a welcome change....

  10. Back To Top    #10

    Re: Exclude Off-Topic posts from Live Forum Feed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Theslaking View Post
    We'll have two wait to weeks for the admins to pretend like they give a crap though....
    You're thinking of 'the other' site...
    New Car... Stock Stereo

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