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Thread: Queef explained somewhat

  1. Back To Top    #11

    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    Quote Originally Posted by Holmz View Post
    Many do not need a reason...
    You're right about that, but we do have what may be the most sensible moderator ever seen on the internet, so I'm sure Queef is safe from unfounded complaints.

  2. Back To Top    #12
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    Guys, there are things going on in the background that you may not be aware of...things that have been festering for years. Anybody who has met me will say that I'm an easy-going guy, and I've been giving Hic a LOT of leeway, but things are coming to a head. I sent him a PM explaining things and told him my patience was running out. He responded by starting this thread and trying to garner sympathy...he even alluded to it when he said "If you complain to the guys running this site , I am sure the door will be shown to me."

    His MO: he uses this site as his own personal amusement channel (he's done the same at other forums)...when things get boring, he pops in, tosses an incendiary grenade, and sits back to watch everybody scramble for cover. When the flames start dying down, he pops back in and tosses some gas on the fire.

    You will probably notice that there are some members that he likes to snipe at, others he likes to give dumb advice to just for shits-n-giggles, and yet others he actually tries to help (in his own unique way)

  3. Back To Top    #13

    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl205 View Post
    Guys, there are things going on in the background that you may not be aware of...things that have been festering for years. Anybody who has met me will say that I'm an easy-going guy, and I've been giving Hic a LOT of leeway, but things are coming to a head. I sent him a PM explaining things and told him my patience was running out. He responded by starting this thread and trying to garner sympathy...he even alluded to it when he said "If you complain to the guys running this site , I am sure the door will be shown to me."

    His MO: he uses this site as his own personal amusement channel (he's done the same at other forums)...when things get boring, he pops in, tosses an incendiary grenade, and sits back to watch everybody scramble for cover. When the flames start dying down, he pops back in and tosses some gas on the fire.

    You will probably notice that there are some members that he likes to snipe at, others he likes to give dumb advice to just for shits-n-giggles, and yet others he actually tries to help (in his own unique way)
    Well I can only see my side of the icebergs.
    I am glad I do not have your job, but I appreciate your doing it.
    Happy holidays to you and the other moderators.

    I see that Biden post was started by him. I suspect that is giving entertainment??

  4. Back To Top    #14
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    Yep, a lot of the OT threads were started by Queef/Hic

  5. Back To Top    #15

    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl205 View Post
    Guys, there are things going on in the background that you may not be aware of...things that have been festering for years. Anybody who has met me will say that I'm an easy-going guy, and I've been giving Hic a LOT of leeway, but things are coming to a head. I sent him a PM explaining things and told him my patience was running out. He responded by starting this thread and trying to garner sympathy...he even alluded to it when he said "If you complain to the guys running this site , I am sure the door will be shown to me."

    His MO: he uses this site as his own personal amusement channel (he's done the same at other forums)...when things get boring, he pops in, tosses an incendiary grenade, and sits back to watch everybody scramble for cover. When the flames start dying down, he pops back in and tosses some gas on the fire.

    You will probably notice that there are some members that he likes to snipe at, others he likes to give dumb advice to just for shits-n-giggles, and yet others he actually tries to help (in his own unique way)
    He seems harmless enough, but I don't read ALL of his posts, my brain can't handle that much Hic/Queef.

  6. Back To Top    #16
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    Quote Originally Posted by Holmz View Post
    Well I can only see my side of the icebergs.
    I am glad I do not have your job, but I appreciate your doing it.
    Happy holidays to you and the other moderators.

    I see that Biden post was started by him. I suspect that is giving entertainment??
    See? Snarky little shit like this...
    Quote Originally Posted by Queef View Post
    I would like to Thank All of You who played a part in this ( all players & Special Thanks to BigAl ! ).

  7. Back To Top    #17
    BURNED OUT Hillbilly SQ's Avatar
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    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    I had to close down my own thread because he wouldn't stop twisting the knife. When someone suggests I do something fraudulent I take that VERY seriously and reported it to Al. Those of you who don't understand where some of us are coming from about him just haven't known him long enough. If you look close you'll see that the threads that get royally screwed up with BS are mostly caused by him.

    BTW I have three concussions myself that I know of and possibly four but didn't get a CT after getting knocked out by a tree limb a couple years ago. Also had carbon monoxide poisoning several years ago. Where I'm going with this is if you don't know when to back down you don't need to be on a public forum. I can somewhat relate to what Hic/Queef is going through if his claims are true so let a lot of things slide. It's the fact that he trolls on purpose that makes me think he should be shown the door with an IP ban. Just my opinion though. And Al is one of the most laid back and down to earth people I've ever met.
    They might say "don't try this at home" but nothing about not trying it at your friend's house.

  8. Back To Top    #18

    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    I will say it seems odd. But I don't get banning someone unless they do something so egregious it becomes necessary. And I'm talking really bad. The internet is the bastion of free speech.

  9. Back To Top    #19
    BURNED OUT Hillbilly SQ's Avatar
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    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    A forum troll isn't good for anyone but I see your point.
    They might say "don't try this at home" but nothing about not trying it at your friend's house.

  10. Back To Top    #20

    Re: Queef explained somewhat

    A privately owned forum of 1,300 members does not constitute the internet. To my mind, an individual's property and autonomy are sacrosanct. Full stop.

    Certainly, if A were shitting all over B's property and/or harassing B's guests, B ought to have every right throw A the fuck out.

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