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Thread: Center image help.

  1. Back To Top    #11

    Re: Center image help.

    Besides, you can always revert back to the rew settings ifn ya fuck up to bad! I couldn't posses such a powerful eq without playing, learning, and hopefully eventually using it to its full capabilities. Man, talk about many hours of tuning........that would be sweet!

  2. Back To Top    #12
    Noob Fricasseekid's Avatar
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    Re: Center image help.

    Wouldn't that be kind've like using a power drill to install a screw, only you've unplugged the power and your turning the drill around by hand?

    Sent from my Springfield XD with love!

  3. Back To Top    #13
    Noob Fricasseekid's Avatar
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    Re: Center image help.

    Quote Originally Posted by claydo View Post
    Besides, you can always revert back to the rew settings ifn ya fuck up to bad! I couldn't posses such a powerful eq without playing, learning, and hopefully eventually using it to its full capabilities. Man, talk about many hours of tuning........that would be sweet!
    Considering I tune with the air and the engine off sounds like many hours of sweating to me. But it's necessary I suppose.

    Sent from my Springfield XD with love!

  4. Back To Top    #14

    Re: Center image help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fricasseekid View Post
    Wouldn't that be kind've like using a power drill to install a screw, only you've unplugged the power and your turning the drill around by hand?

    Sent from my Springfield XD with love!

    Hey, ifn ya don't like the results said power drill is giving ya, you should find a regular screwdriver....... sometimes the best results are achieved the hard if the drill (rew) was nailing it and satisfying your needs (ears) then taking the longer and more complicated route wouldn't be necessary.

  5. Back To Top    #15

    Re: Center image help.

    And, the" technically correct" settings aren't always what sounds the best. If they sounded awesome, then a rta would be the only tuning tool needed......ears are always the variable.

  6. Back To Top    #16

    Re: Center image help.

    And I know what you mean by sweating........its unbelievable how much difference a lil bit of background noise will make. My stage also changes drastically windows up vs. windows down.

  7. Back To Top    #17

    Re: Center image help.

    Try to play test tones from let's say 125Hz to 16kHz and take notes of where your sound is coming from - Slightly left of center (SLC), Left of center (LOC), Phase problem Right (PPR), etc...
    Then you'll know which freq you need to focus on...


  8. Back To Top    #18
    Godless Heathen Kinkai's Avatar
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    Re: Center image help.

    Be careful using tones for that as they can set up modes in the room during the process. I prefer to augment with bandlimited pink noise.
    Does a tone sweep through the midrange stay in the same spot or does it wander? If you turn <off> your midbass, does the same swap sound tighter and more focused?
    Are the output levels to both fullrange the same?

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