2025 NCSQ Meet 25-26 April Near Greensboro NC


Staff member
Posted from Jason at Diyma

Time to start a thread for the next NCSQ Meet! I'm ready to see some folks and listen to some great cars!

I've added a couple links from the meets we had last year, and I'll link this post to those two threads.

2024 NCSQ Spring Meet

2024 Mid Atlantic / VA Fall Meet

Friday Night Info:

At my house......pizza (bring some cash to chip in) - PM me for the address. Really any time that day, and we will stop things at 10 PM.

Saturday Info:

At my house - likely going to grill again :) From about 09:00 AM to 10:00 PM. We will eventually put a little sign up thing for those who would like to contribute cookies, chips, etc.

Stuff to bring:
  • Yourself
  • A friend / spouse / kids (of course you are responsible for policing said kids)
  • Your vehicle with or without anything setup / tuned
  • Favorite music on discs, thumb drive, or other device
  • Camera
  • Lawn chair if you want to use one
  • Openness to learn, ask questions, take constructive criticism and humbly give advice / criticism
We would love to see some of the 'old dogs' here.....there are several 'locals' that haven't made it out......if you know these folks - send them a text, etc. Even if life has changed, and they are no longer in 'the scene', if they want to hang out and hear some good cars, we would love to have them. We had some rare sightings last year :)

Also, would love to have some new folks - those you may have sent messages to on DIYMA - if they are in the area or even if they aren't - send them a link. And - if someone wants to post it on FB - that would be great.....I look at FB about once a month, so I'm not the best to post it.
So far:

1) Jason - (DIYMA screen name - Bertholomey) S4 Audi - NC
2) Rob - StaudiA6 - Audi A6 - NC
3) j-man - Z06 - NC
4) Todd - Toyota Avalon - PA
5) Dave - dkc7 SQ5 - 51st state
6) Logan - Squiers007 - Stinger - VA
7) Jacob - Mashburn - Ford Explorer - NC
8) Ian - naiku - V60 - VA
9) Damien - dmparker5725 - Audi A6 - VA
10) Kendal - Notloudenuf - BMW 330ci - NC
11) Rich - salami - VW Golf R
12) Jesus - BobbyPin - Civic Si - NC
13) Eric - mumbles - Audi S5 - GA
14) Ben - Redsonoma97- Sti- Pa
15) Jeff - j4gates - Audi A8 - MD
16) Kris - Freakquency - Toyota Avalon - MD
17) Miguel - GreySQ - Mazda CX-5 - FL
18) Bill - Impossible Bill - Mirage - NJ
19) Ryan - Truthunter - Camry - NY
20) Chris - Serieus - Mazda CX-5 - MN
1) Jason - Bertholomey - S4 Audi - NC
2) Rob - StaudiA6 - Audi A6 - NC
3) j-man - Z06 - NC
4) Todd - Toyota Avalon - PA
5) Dave - dkc7 SQ5 - 51st state
6) Logan - Squiers007 - Stinger - VA
7) Jacob - Mashburn - Ford Explorer - NC
8) Ian - naiku - V60 - VA
9) Damien - dmparker5725 - Audi A6 - VA
10) Kendal - Notloudenuf - BMW 330ci - NC
11) Rich - salami - VW Golf R
12) Jesus - BobbyPin - Civic Si - NC
13) Eric - mumbles - Audi S5 - GA
14) Ben - Redsonoma97- Sti- Pa
15) Jeff - j4gates - Audi A8 - MD
16) Kris - Freakquency - Toyota Avalon - MD
17) Miguel - GreySQ - Mazda CX-5 - FL
18) Bill - Impossible Bill - Mirage - NJ
19) Ryan - Truthunter - Camry - NY
20) Chris - Serieus - Mazda CX-5 - MN
21) Forrest - Darkrider - Yukon? - NC
22) Don - Barklessdog - Toyota Avalon - VA
23) Jason - chesapeakesoja - F150 - NC
24) Steve - NASD RAM- 2021 Ram 2500 Mega Cab. - Wendell, NC
25) Andy - req/R4N63R- VW wagon - Pooh Corner
26) Alan - BigAl205 - either '18 Silverado Z-71 or '25 Hyundai Santa Cruz