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Thread: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

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    Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    So, got a new pick up for work and the Mini has to go. Have Dynaudio MW162, MD102 running active (880RS) in the Mini and have never been quite as happy with it as I'd like-the 162s are in very heavily deadened doors, the 102s on the dash in spheres, my stage would get pulled down by the 162s. Some more tuning may well have fixed it but the time required wasn't available; 2yr old, new business, relocation blah, blah, blah.

    So, the Navara (Frontier) has 2" drivers in the corners of the dash and 6x9s in the doors. I already have some Genesis P69, which will cover up to 500Hz (would pref to only take them to 2-300Hz) or the MW162 or some Focal Utopia Audiom 6W could be utilised instead.

    The factory stereo will be staying; has BT built in, better ipod control than the 880 and the 880's CD mech is in need of some TLC-the Mini's suspension and shitty British roads have given it a hard time-so I can either drop the 880 in the lower dash pocket and run the factory unit through it's AUX (then have to use it in non-network mode as crossover points don't stretch far enough and use amp crossovers instead) or better invest in a dedicated processor.

    So, what say you?

    Give up on the Dyns and go wideband with the P69s and a 2-3"?

    Add a 2-3" driver into the mix and get a better processor? (3-way + Sub)

    Stop being a lazy prick and properly tune the Dyns?

  2. Back To Top    #2
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    Glenn used to have a Mini so he could probably give you more insight. In my experience, different vehicles have their own unique sonic signature, therefore they sound different even with the same equipment. I would suggest installing what you have, if only to see how it sounds.

    It's a tough call on the 880 vs. new processor, but I personally have never been a fan of dual headunits.

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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    Thanks for the reply, the Mini system is going-so not to worry about that.

    The Qs are about the pick up.

    For a little more info:
    I love the sound of the Dyns, just not the issues presented by the two way set up.
    The wideband intrigues as vocal info from up top of the dash should rid me of my rainbowing and raise the stage.
    Heard the BeWith cars at Car and Sound in 2008 and loved them, so think who needs a tweeter?

    Adding a 2-3" driver between the Dyns and going 3-way plus sub would be great, but = investment in a processor-cash short atm.

    Double HU doesn't phase me, done plenty of installs with them over the years (Birmingham has a large Asian community-who love cassette and have tight budgets!)

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    Team Knuckledragger papacueball's Avatar
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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    +1 on what Al said, but if you want to go the wideband route, I like the H-Audio Trinity/Fountek FR89.

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    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBaronGroog View Post
    Thanks for the reply, the Mini system is going-so not to worry about that.

    The Qs are about the pick up.
    I should clarify; I've heard that it's difficult to get good sound in a Mini, so therefore, one could blame the environment...not the equipment. This is why I suggest trying what you have, because you might be pleasantly surprised how it sounds in the new vehicle.

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    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    Try re aiming tweets to get get rid of the rainbow effect. I have some ID tweets that do that on axis, Goes away ~15* off. Also, if mids are drawing stage down, sounds like a level issue.

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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    The MD102 are on axis, played heavily with angles and levels in the Mini. Tried a wide range of crossover points and slopes-can't recall on what I settled on (install was some time ago and too busy to play for ages-battery has died in the mini after it sat for 3 months so all settings lost)

    Navara is a lease vehicle, so can't mess with it too much-what they can't see won't hurt-tweeters will likely go into the stock, corner of dash location. I'll see what I can do with the a-pillars, can't be that expensive!

    Gonna have to bite the bullet and re-install in the Navara and go from there-just need some clear time to do it now!

    Thanks for the replies-any more tips send them my way!

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    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Widebanders-who uses them? Advice please

    Don't gargle hot chocolate

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