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Thread: is it just me?

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    is it just me?

    Ok, guys.......why is it that the "worlds greatest tune" (when you make it), tends to loose its luster after a few weeks? Is it the natural desire to constantly improve, or is your hearing just that damn inconsistent? I will, work diligently, listen so hard it hurts, and come up with an excellent tune. Listen critically, smile and revel in my brilliance, then slowly tweak it, little by little, enjoy for a few weeks......then, damnit, this could be better.........then i drop back, punt, and retune. I don't get it, am I mental? Does everyone do this? If it is hearing inconsistency, does anyone have any hard facts on the physical changes, or maybe mental processing changes that affect hearing. It is truly maddening, hope I'm not alone in this!

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    Re: is it just me?

    Not everyone does it, but many do (myself included). I guess it's the altius, citius, fortius side of the human nature.

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    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: is it just me?

    Quote Originally Posted by claydo View Post
    Does everyone do this?
    Nope. Without changing gear, mine is rarely touched. Changed sub levels and bumped 1 eq band during last comp, but ended up putting the levels back. So, other than 1 eq band, tune is the same as Nov. of 11.

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    Re: is it just me?

    human hearing is notoriously unreliable, even if you "clear" your eustachian tube pressures, you may not achieve baseline because blood pressure fluctuation, viscosity, hydration, etc. are all physiological processes that are in continuous adjustment.

    add to that blood sugar, electrolyte, various psychomimetic substances and the odd mental aberration, and loving a tune week after week is not only impossible it's patently false as the system itself will display various issues with hygrometer value fluctuations, barometric pressure changes, hygroscopic materials in the electro-transducer modeling, tis' a conundrum, it is...

    ear sebum, wax accumulation, hair placement, changes in voltage, pre-amp/amp gain pots and their carbon traces, digital correction processes, who knows?

    never accept that it's good enough and you'll be able to fall into a holding pattern of adjustment and equipment replacement that satisfies your immediate gratification molecules.

    you know, once it's "as good as it gets" that you have to buy something new, right?

    think about that next time you get to tweaking and can't tweak your way out.

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    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: is it just me?

    Use the old fishermans stand by

    "You should have been here yesterday"
    Viewing Smilies , you trying to access privileged system?¤Somewhere 0ut There¤}]

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    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: is it just me?

    I think it's another effect of psychoacoustics. If you start from scratch and spend an hour or more tuning, you eventually end up with something that sounds good in relation to what you started with (nothing). Once you leave for a while, let your ears rest, and come back to listen to it again, you realize it's not that good overall, it's just better than what you started with.

    I heard a guy say one time to only tune 30 minutes to an hour and then take a break for several hours. Once your ears are back to normal, come back and continue for another 1/2 to 1 hour.

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    Re: is it just me?

    I definately agree there al, if I tune for more than 20 to 25 minutes, I start going backwards. Its amazing how critical listening without tuning can go on and on, but start concentrating on adjustments while listening, and the ears go south quick. I guess this will go on until I stop finding different tune that make my toes, that hasn't happened yet. It seems I can always get happy, but I just don't stay happy for more than a month or two. I know that when I quit being satisfied, yes it will be time for another purchase, but as anyone familiar with my equipment list knows, I wont make purchases until I Max what I have out, for I'm rediculously cheap, therefore most of my equipment is ancient.

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    Big Daddy chad's Avatar
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    Re: is it just me?

    Quote Originally Posted by AL9000 View Post
    I think it's another effect of psychoacoustics. If you start from scratch and spend an hour or more tuning, you eventually end up with something that sounds good in relation to what you started with (nothing). Once you leave for a while, let your ears rest, and come back to listen to it again, you realize it's not that good overall, it's just better than what you started with.

    I heard a guy say one time to only tune 30 minutes to an hour and then take a break for several hours. Once your ears are back to normal, come back and continue for another 1/2 to 1 hour.
    Since I'm not doing it for a living in a car..... I'll get the base down with TA, XO, Etc, then rock it for days or a week to pick it apart while taking mental notes. I do the same thing with my home rig...

    I think the big mistake is radical change. People go right for the gut when sometimes the thning that is causing issues is right in front of your face and can be corrected differently and more properly.

    But mine is like Z's... untouched. I got it right and left it.

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    Re: is it just me?

    dammit, so im the only habitual tuner? i was sure this was common........chad, the picking it apart is what gets me. something changes with my hearing, more than likely, and i go back for a retune. sometimes i end up right back where i was, and itll sound good again. a few days later something will bug me, and here we go again. i keep some baseline tunes in notes, sometimes they will sound spot on, sometimes they dont. extreme volume is the only tool i have to fight the mental analysis. when i let it go and just rock it hard, i tend to pick it apart less.

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    Big Daddy chad's Avatar
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    Re: is it just me?

    Because you are either tuning too loud, or you are tuning FOR it to be loud.

    By now there has to be a certain set of issues that you keep coming back to... What are they?

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