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Thread: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

  1. Back To Top    #361

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

  2. Back To Top    #362

  3. Back To Top    #363

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Buff View Post
    Goddam aluminium hats back on I see.
    Anyway- as a third party objective party who is largely unaffected by American elections - a few things stood out to me.

    1. Voting is compulsory in Australia - and I understand not so in America - but around half of the population bothered? Does that really give a consensus as to who was the preferred President?

    2. Although he lost his way with the ranting tweets etc.; some of Trumps ‘f*** off’ approach to petulant little bitches like North Korea was actually refreshing. Instead of limp dicking it in some actual ‘GTFO if you’re going to be that way’ was a positive thing IMHO. Where he lost it is that he needed to then offer an olive branch back out to those countries and keep discussions open; but on the US’s terms and no BS. I don’t get the feeling that he did that.

    3. a...I guess). I live in Western Australia. In the capital, Perth, about a million population I think? far nationwide I think we have had 900 something deaths from Covid19. I believe that is half the road toll (people who have passed away due to a fatal car accident). My point being that personally everyone get back to work and stop pussying about something that isn’t an issue...driving through a commercial area to get my car tuned the other day and it looked like a ghost town. For no reason!?
    3. b). Sorry for all those who may disagree; but something is killing a heap of Americans. I personally believe that it is Covid19 and that it is killing so many because of Trumps dickhead attitude towards it. Australia sits at the other end of spectrum in terms of ‘overreacting to purposefully dramatically manipulated headlines by the media’; but for all that the results speak for themselves. We don’t have body bags lining up from ; I believe it is Covid19. Trump fucked that up.

    4. I will comfortably admit that I know more about brain surgery than I do about American (or any) politics. I also really don’t give a shit...because IMHO the sides of the coin are ‘Fascism with a smile’ or ‘ with it’. So my comment here might be interesting as the POV of a guy who is totally removed from the situation; or they could be taken as the ill-informed scribblings of a guy who doesn’t know jackshit!

    I’m not fussed either way - though 100% I do not ever set out to be purposely offensive - and so I apologise if my viewpoint pisses you off. Not my intention. Simply giving perhaps another POV.

    One thing I would suggest is making a decision as to who is what and not focusing on whether or not someone said Biden stole the election. It isn’t going to matter for shit. If there truly was a conspiracy to get voted in by the Democrats then it would be so secret no one will EVER find out about it. If a ‘WaterGate’ type investigation did take place I would put money down that it would find nothing but cost a whole pile of taxpayer money.

    So regardless if there was a conspiracy or wasn’t; Trump is done. I think I have heard talk of bringing back ‘ObamaCare’ which I believe is some form of medical cover for everyone; not just those who pay for it or get it through work. I can only see that as good (my actual thoughts on that are a lot stronger but for the sake of trying not to piss people off I will censor myself. Plus I only had a couple Scotch’s left in the bottle ). I believe a plan on Covid19 is forthcoming ffrom the Democrats as well...surely this is good stuff?

    It sure isn’t ‘nationwide riots’? They were around when that BLM stuff was being fuelled up by the media and the ‘minority that has the majority say’...

    They should be the targets of every thinking person now.
    Just my semi-inebriated two cents.

    1) Some portion of the population can't vote, 50% is pretty damn amazing since it's not compulsory.
    2) Trump always offered an olive branch, he just didn't turn around and bend over when he did it.
    3a) Shutdowns don't do shit except make people broke AND sick.
    3b) In America, if you die in a car crash but test positive for CoViD19 it's a CoViD19 death regardless of what actually killed you.
    4) Somewhere in there you mentioned "ObamaCare", the Patient "Affordable" Care Act absolutely priced me right out of the health insurance market, my premiums went from $250 a month to $1500 a month, and fined me for not paying that or taking a handout from the government. We didn't need ObamaCare, they only needed to raise the maximum allowable income to qualify for Medicare/Medicaid. But, when politicians are presented with that sort of problem, rather than simply changing a number in an existing system, they come up with a 3000+ page solution that fucks everything up.
    As for your foreign opinion, it is welcome whether it is right or wrong. An outside observers observations can be helpful.

  4. Back To Top    #364
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    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by jettyman View Post
    Gotta love when drunk foreigners get on the internet and talk shit about the US based on what they see on their socialist, trump hating media. Your post illustrates you know literally nothing about the US.
    Line up your body bags you dumb fuck. Nothing speaks louder than corpses fuckstain.

  5. Back To Top    #365

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Buff View Post
    Line up your body bags you dumb fuck. Nothing speaks louder than corpses fuckstain.
    Spoken like a true moron.

  6. Back To Top    #366

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....


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    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

  9. Back To Top    #369

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Election night in Portland:

    "Asking for people to be peaceful is white supremacy!"

  10. Back To Top    #370

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....


    Feb. 19 1994

    Saying Philadelphia's election system had collapsed under "a massive scheme" by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by the Republican candidate.

    In making such a sweeping move, the judge, Clarence C. Newcomer of Federal District Court here, did for the Republicans what the election had not: enable them to regain control of the State Senate, which they lost two years ago.

    Judge Newcomer ruled that the Democratic campaign of William G. Stinson had stolen the election from Bruce S. Marks in North Philadelphia's Second Senatorial District through an elaborate fraud in which hundreds of residents were encouraged to vote by absentee ballot even though they had no legal reason -- like a physical disability or a scheduled trip outside the city -- to do so.

    In many instances, according to Republicans who testified during a four-day civil trial last week, Democratic campaign workers forged absentee ballots. On many of the ballots, they used the names of people who were living in Puerto Rico or serving time in prison, and in one case, the voter had been dead for some time.

    "Substantial evidence was presented establishing massive absentee ballot fraud, deception, intimidation, harassment and forgery," Judge Newcomer wrote in a decision made public today.

    The district, which includes white, black and Hispanic neighborhoods, is overwhelmingly Democratic by registration. Nonetheless, campaign workers testified that widespread voter apathy had prompted them to promote a "new way to vote" to insure a victory. Door to Door for Votes.

    In addition to specific instances of wrongdoing, the state Republican Party, which filed the suit, contended that the door-to-door solicitation of votes by the Democrats was not permissible under the state election code, which says the Philadelphia County Board of Elections "shall deliver or mail" the ballots to a voter.

    The city, whose lawyers represented the board of elections, contended that the statute was open to broad interpretation, but throughout the hearing Judge Newcomer made it clear that he did not agree.

    Indeed, the two Democrats on the three-member board of elections, an elected body, testified that they were aware of the voter fraud, had intentionally failed to enforce the election law and had later tried to conceal their activities by hurriedly certifying the Democratic candidate as the winner.

    Judge Newcomer ordered that Mr. Stinson, a 49-year-old former assistant deputy mayor of Philadelphia, be removed from his State Senate office and that Mr. Marks, a 36-year-old lawyer and former aide to United States Senator Arlen Specter, be certified the winner within 72 hours.

    "This is extraordinary relief," Judge Newcomer wrote. "However, it is appropriate because extraordinary conduct by the Stinson campaign and the board tainted the entirety of the absentee ballots." ....

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