I didn't know that. Makes sense though
Sent from my Springfield XD with love!
I didn't know that. Makes sense though
Sent from my Springfield XD with love!
Type of crossover changes the shape above and below the -3dB point, with different filter Q. ie Butterworth, Bessel, Chebychev, L-R etc.
Chad, I was talking tape.......were you talking mic?
Measuring time with a measuring tape is like measuring wood length with a thermometer.
Remember, we have DSP latency, etc at play here. MOST DSPs have a common latency... In the field I work in.. never bothered to measure others because I just set it and forget it.
You lost me again.
Sent from my Springfield XD with love!
Latency=time it takes for the cumzinta to make it all the way to the goezouta
If you think audio delay thru a processor is bad, you should see the video. When you do an A/V system and lip-sync is off, it's always delaying the audio so the video can catch up.
OK, I wasn't on the same page as you when you said measure....I thought you meant distance, not arrival time. I don't have the tools for that type of measuring.
Dern tootin....
When I'm watching my guys sync vid I just do an about face and RUN. Fortunately timecode helps a lot.
I normally delay my PA to line up with the kick drum, preferably the whole backline... Another free subwoofer in a medium to smallish room...
The first DSPs had so much latency that after set up the PA was BEHIND the fucking band! In small rooms I still ran analog and a main delay to back dat ass up.