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Thread: Is car audio/DIY dying?

  1. Back To Top    #11

    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    I see a huge upside. Back when I was a kid all I had to go on was the Crutchfield catalog and the instructions they included. The shops were not going to show you how to do it, and you had no way to really compare what they were selling or tell if they were BS'ing you. No way to get my hands on the tools needed.

    Today I can just google it and get a YouTube video.

  2. Back To Top    #12

    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    I definitely think the car audio world is changing, but not really "going away". Instead of changing head-units like you used to do in older cars, now you just need to integrate with the OEM head-unit (since most aren't easily replaceable). So I think the whole "replace your headunit" way of doing things *is* going away - but the whole integration and/or DSP/amp installation field is getting bigger - especially the DSP field. DSP is a game-changer - and products like AmpPro are helping with the integration side of things.

    However, I also see that younger folks aren't as interested - in cars or car audio. :-) They seem to be much less eager to get a drivers license and a car of their own. Maybe they will just start getting into car audio later in life (I'm 47 and just getting into it somewhat seriously).

    But gone are the days of just buying a new headunit and being done with it....

  3. Back To Top    #13

    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    I recall SoundManCA on YouTube a few years ago (channel has changed since then) They installed a 5-channel along with speakers and subwoofer. They turned everything on and the music was loud and clear. Then..... the sub would all of the sudden decrease output by 80-90%. The install was in a newer Caddy Escalade (maybe 2015?). They tried troubleshooting the amp, the audio signal, even the subwoofer. But every time they turned the system on it played as expected for only a few seconds then the sub would decrease instantly with no idea what was causing it. They used all the recommended aftermarket parts and tools to do the install but they were stumped (They were PROFESSIONAL installers with A LOT of experience).

    Turns out....the Caddy has a microphone to detect road noise/loud noises and turns down the volume of the stereo for some reason. They had to reach out to other installers on a forum to figure this out and all they had to do was disconnect that microphone.

    For your average DIY person/weekend warrior project guy I would be pissed and probably not even go through the time consumption and trouble to do all of this for an install IMHO. (I've been a hobbyist for about 16 years). I don't want to buy a headache/moneypit new(er) car.

    I love older cars for their ability to integrate aftermarket systems easily and cheaply without any major issues (not to mention DIY regular maintenance). But EVENTUALLY they'll be phased out due to age and availability of parts. And once that time comes I'm not going to touch much of anything in my newer car. MAYBE sound deadener and new speakers. But HU amp and subs are probably not going to be in my plans in the future for any newer car. But then again as I mentioned in the OP, Maybe we won't "own" cars in the future. Its a "Gig-economy" and "sharing-economy" so Just Uber a Tesla for transit and go to a Air-BnB everyday to sleep/live.

    Some reason I feel there are these 2 trajectories coming to a crossroads where their paths intersect and no one would care about car audio because they'll have their Apple AirPods Pro generation 8 with WIFI 20 and 12G ultra LTE installed in their ears.

  4. Back To Top    #14

    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    Quote Originally Posted by jtrosky View Post
    I definitely think the car audio world is changing, but not really "going away". Instead of changing head-units like you used to do in older cars, now you just need to integrate with the OEM head-unit (since most aren't easily replaceable). So I think the whole "replace your headunit" way of doing things *is* going away - but the whole integration and/or DSP/amp installation field is getting bigger - especially the DSP field. DSP is a game-changer - and products like AmpPro are helping with the integration side of things.

    However, I also see that younger folks aren't as interested - in cars or car audio. :-) They seem to be much less eager to get a drivers license and a car of their own. Maybe they will just start getting into car audio later in life (I'm 47 and just getting into it somewhat seriously).

    But gone are the days of just buying a new headunit and being done with it....
    The biggest difference is you had to buy a aftermarket head unit before. Now you don't unless you want to get serious. I definitely wanted a amp with the alpine HU and speakers I bought back then. Those old 2 way passive systems with PPI amps sounded pretty damn good without T/A, equalization, DSP etc. You can just do much more now. Most of the young guys I knew back then didn't have anything like that but they worshipped us that did. Because power is so much cheaper than before, plus the fact that most young people listen to rap now I think car audio is just as popular as it used to be a long time ago....just different

  5. Back To Top    #15
    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    I've worked in the car audio industry for more than 20 years. In the area I live, things have definitely slowed down. There were 4 shops and a Best Buy, now there are 2 shops. When I started, there were more people buying radios, speakers, amps, subs, having boxes built, etc. I still do a fair amount of radio, speakers, and amp installs, but now I might build 2 boxes a year. There are still people that want to replace the radio in their car, but don't when they learn that the installation kit and harness cost more than the radio and nobody in this area has ever asked for a DSP (other than a couple of guys on Harleys that wanted a DSR-1 to flatten the factory EQ curve, I have a program on a laptop to do that though). Working on motorcycles and UTVs has increased over the past year, as have remote starts. I know that there are many cars that have factory remote starts, but customers complain that they lack range and that they don't function when the check engine light is on.

    I see several car audio shops closing in the future. I've talked to several manufacturer reps about it and they agree. They say one of the biggest problems is that experienced installers are leaving shops and the shops are unable to find people to replace them.

  6. Back To Top    #16
    Noob naiku's Avatar
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    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    Quote Originally Posted by HiFiAudioGuy34 View Post
    they'll have their Apple AirPods Pro generation 8 with WIFI 20 and 12G ultra LTE installed in their ears.
    The amount of people I see on a daily basis, walking around, driving etc. with Apple AirPods in is somewhat comical to me. It's the strangest thing, before AirPods existed there was never this many people walking around with ear buds/headphones of any type, yet now everyone is listening to music that they keep them in constantly. It's this weird status symbol that is reflective of society as a whole, gotta show that we have AirPods or we won't be viewed as cool. Saw an older couple a few weeks ago, mid 50's maybe, so not old old, but older, both walking around wearing AirPods, not walking around a park or something for exercise, but walking into stores. Are those people really so un-interested in each other that they would sooner be listening to music than talking to each other? Are we supposed to believe that they would have walked around with any other pair of earbuds together listening to music before AirPods were an option? Apple really nailed marketing.

    Back to car audio, most has been said already, head units are getting harder or impossible to replace and have been for a few years. There are still 2 shops fairly local to me, I am not sure how much business they do, but seems to be enough to at least keep the doors open. I don't see it dying, there are always going to be a number of people out there who are not happy with OEM systems and will want to improve them, the number may shrink some, but I don't see it disappearing.
    Another white wagon.
    Instagram - eye_take_pix

  7. Back To Top    #17

    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphonic View Post
    I see several car audio shops closing in the future. I've talked to several manufacturer reps about it and they agree. They say one of the biggest problems is that experienced installers are leaving shops and the shops are unable to find people to replace them.
    Exactly my point. Humans understand supply and demand as well as their own livelihood. They won't stay or go into a field that doesn't supply them a their standard of living. Less are coming in and there are ones that are continuing to leave.

    I experienced the same thing when I worked in Car audio retail as well (back in 2005-2008) with the costs getting too high for the average person that wants to upgrade HU's and install subs. Its getting much more difficult to do so on the average budget and with the average equipment they've become accustomed to. Now the costs have gotten higher and integration more difficult. The install bay WAS opened 7-days a week with 4 full time installers. Now its 3-4 days a week with 2 installers (which kills sales as well for people that want it "installed today").

    Like naiku said people are using/wearing BT headphones more than ever ($25-$500) and that is a quick and easy solution to their audio dilemma. Plus its portable and requires no installation and can be easily interchanged/upgraded on a regular basis (and he said they were OLDER) just think with the younger generation glued to their phones in a semi- virtual/augmented reality and "Safe-spaces" they can just drown out the world with earbuds. They don't want friction or conflict, what better than to choose your own playlist anywhere, anytime bus, train, plane, uber etc.

  8. Back To Top    #18
    Senior Member Smitty's Avatar
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    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    Like many have said, I dont think its dying as much as it is changing. I guess you could say car audio as many of us know it, is dying. The question is, can the industry save itself. I agree, seemless quality integration with OEM systems is going to be key.

    As was stated, just look at the younger generation with the headphones and ear buds. Part of this is just generational interests but also music today is crap. There may be some good lyrics and catchy beats but in the end the recording industry is turning out the same stuff over and over. They have compressed the life out of most every new album and sampled beats from older songs. Why bother to get a better system if you only listen to crap. I guess we should try to be ironic and install record players and tube amps in our cars.

    In all seriousness though, the vast majority of people don't seem to care. It only seems to be the few like those of us on this forum that really care about getting more. I'd be willing to bet we are already less than 1% of the motoring population. I hate to admit, I too am not as big into it as I used to be. My 4runner can still take an aftermarket head unit relatively easy but I'm not willing to do so. I'm also not willing to spend the money I would have 20 years ago.
    Meh, it'll play.

  9. Back To Top    #19

    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    It starts around the 25:00 minute mark when they start troubleshooting the volume cutting out.

    Sorry its from 2011! so its probably even worse today. This is the video I remember of SoundmanCA on YouTube running into the problem of the subs cutting out after a few seconds of playing music at a loud volume.

  10. Back To Top    #20
    Noob naiku's Avatar
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    Re: Is car audio/DIY dying?

    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
    I hate to admit, I too am not as big into it as I used to be. My 4runner can still take an aftermarket head unit relatively easy but I'm not willing to do so. I'm also not willing to spend the money I would have 20 years ago.
    I'd be lying if I did not think the same thing, I am looking to get into a newer car next year, everything I am looking at won't take an aftermarket head unit (my current car is from 2006, standard double DIN opening, not integrated to anything other than the steering wheel controls!). Currently I rarely drive anywhere, most competitions are on a Sunday so that rules them out for me due to work schedules, so I sort of wonder if I sold all my equipment off, could I pick up some more photography/drone equipment and use that instead.

    Of course, then I drive to the grocery store blasting some music and think there is no way I can go back to a crappy OEM system.
    Another white wagon.
    Instagram - eye_take_pix

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