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Thread: Polihics

  1. Back To Top    #261
    Noob Marc1234's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    I think a major issue with our country today is bipartisan politics period. It's like a wave that eventually becomes a standing wave because there is no equalizer, no end to the blaming this on them or that on this. It's a fundamental problem with our sissyfied society these days. Take accountability for mistakes, find a solution, no matter whose idea it is. If we could work together and not be so fanatical AND let the people vote on each individual issue(using bullet points of course! No more 700 page briefs, that's the antithesis of brief!!!).

    And yes, bring back ass whoopings. I believe in a sort of "one up" system. You talk shit, I get to smack you. I assault you for no reason, you can knock me out with a bat. This is a half humorous extreme example and I know that bad people will always take advantage of things but I always learned from physical pain the most. I believe most men do. We are built that way. After enough ass whoopings, I learned that my problems were because of ME, no one else. I and I alone control my actions and reactions. I am free. I bow to no man. Sheep are bred to be corralled and that's what Joe public are, sheep. If we don't get back to the fundamentals that brought us here, and freed us from tyranny and oppression, then its prolly going to have to get way worse to get better. That scares me. People's IQ's drop dramatically when in fear and large numbers. Their executive function ceases and they follow whatever idiot is up front.

    Disband Super PACS, term limits in all government offices, everyone pays into social security, drug testing for welfare recipients who are able bodied, pay people to NOT have kids rather than incentivize them to crank them out, oversight of law enforcement AND government, flat taxes for individuals AND corporations(prolly could downsize the IRS at that point and definitely shrink the lawyer budget, no offense to anyone), stop making foreign goods cheaper than ours in our country yet more expensive than their goods in their countries, penalize polluting and child labor nations, penalize terrorist friendly nations, spend the military budget on shit that matters like body armor and proper training and health care not paying some politicians buddies for the bullets AND the bandaids after, de criminalize weed, make jails not for profits and treat corruption like the treason it is. Obamacare sucks and is only here to make the government and insurance companies money. People who couldn't afford health care before can afford even less now because of it and the taxpayers are paying for their health care(which is ok with me to an extent) AND the jobs to police it. Better education and free higher education if it serves the needs of the region where the school is(a la St. Lucia). Stop Wall Street from robbing everyone every so many years. And for f*ck's sake, stop letting the media race bait us, divide us and lead us by the bit to whatever distraction they want us focused on next. It's getting embarrassing. This is why the aliens won't talk to us. Lol.
    Last edited by Marc1234; 12-01-2016 at 01:43 AM.

  2. Back To Top    #262
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

  3. Back To Top    #263
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    Explanation of Boeing/Air Force One tweet

  4. Back To Top    #264
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    Lanson posted this on Diyma, and it's a really good read. I especially like how they explain millennials

  5. Back To Top    #265
    Team Knuckledragger papacueball's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    I was wondering why Lanson would post something that made so much sense. Then I got to the part about the bad AI and the good AI...

  6. Back To Top    #266
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

  7. Back To Top    #267
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    Rand Paul: Restore the Bill of Rights

    Two hundred and twenty-five years ago today, a young nation made ten additions to its already revolutionary Constitution.

    These amendments – this “Bill of Rights” – said we could speak our minds, worship freely, defend ourselves, be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures, and expect to be treated fairly if accused of a crime.
    In contrast to almost all of the legislation Congress passes today, the Bill of Rights is full of language such as “Congress shall make no law” and “The right of the people… shall not be violated,” along with a guarantee that non-delegated powers or those not specifically denied the states “are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
    With this document, the Founders drew a line in the sand a few inches from the government’s feet.
    Not all of these 225 years have been kind to the Bill of Rights, though. It’s been challenged, debated, and far too often just ignored.
    Don’t be fooled into thinking this would have surprised the Founders.
    We have the Bill of Rights precisely because the Founding Fathers knew government can’t resist stretching its limits. Much like Benjamin Franklin’s reported statement that we had a Republic if we could “keep it,” the Bill of Rights relies on the people holding government accountable.
    When some in government say “of course we can,” you and I are supposed to use the Bill of Rights to say, “No, you can’t.”
    Some believe government has grown too large to hold down with these chains, that it’s too late to rein it back in. If the Bill of Rights were mere words on paper, perhaps we could afford to indulge that feeling.
    But they are not mere words. They are principles fundamental to who we are as a people and what we represent as a nation. If we stop caring enough to preserve them, we will lose more than a few liberties.
    We will become something else entirely.
    That’s one reason we must defend the entire Bill of Rights. If you expect to be able to speak freely, then surveillance that shreds the Fourth Amendment stops just being the other guy’s problem.
    If you let the government decide the Second Amendment doesn’t mean what it says, then why should it hold to a strict definition of due process or freedom of the press?
    We don’t have the luxury of playing favorites. We have the responsibility of getting it right.
    In a time where so many are divided, this provides us with a clear path forward. We can unite on a Constitution that binds us together by the same standard, and we can demand all politicians stay within those rules to best benefit us all.
    If that document needs to be changed, as the Founders expected it would, let’s follow their example by properly amending it, as they did with the ten amendments we celebrate today.
    There’s no better time than the present to drop the status quo and adopt this “new” approach.
    I am excited for the upcoming opportunities we will have to institute long-overdue reforms, roll back an overzealous and misguided bureaucracy, and return to a government that works for the people instead of the special interests.
    On this 225th anniversary, let us rededicate ourselves to the principles and boundaries found in the Bill of Rights, and let us recommit to passing them on honored and intact.

  8. Back To Top    #268

    Re: Politics

    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl205 View Post
    Lanson posted this on Diyma, and it's a really good read. I especially like how they explain millennials
    the article made me think ironically, about an irony.

    The people that live in predominantly liberal strongholds who didn't like the election outcome, and then began rioting, were damaging their own cities and burgs.

    I guess that's just because it's hard to move out to the country and throw molotov, and get a reasonably effective response pattern. They damage downtown, because downtown is what they see as their oppressor, but in reality the people responsible for paying cleanup and repair is the city citizenry, not necessarily the rural embodiment of Trump reform being brought to bear.

    That's pretty ironic, because the actual people who liberals need to protest, is demonstrably spread out past suburbia into the netherland, where community organizers can't do much harm and activists are looked upon as amusements, and not tools of the left, or civics-level news makers.

    That's why the big electoral college vs. popular vote thing goes awry, there's more of the people in the city collectively but it's the outlier, so-called secret majority living at their means in those areas beyond the city limits, that ultimately put the kibbosh down.

    Those people living at their means, and willing to accept lower than the median whatever are this country's unintended brain trust, ironic also since their accumulated IQ, or virtual wonk-fu is measurable to also be lower than the median, whatever, in comparison to city dwelling folk who long pride themselves as having that premier perch.

    Sort of balances the equation, doesn't it?

    And even though the supposed progressive, in millenials-nomenclature, is unsatisfied with anything less than social warfare/justice/welfare triumvirate, being status quo, they refused to participate in the process that would have demonstrated the proof of tasty pudding, and HRC pudding eating.

    Which is somehow morose and tragic (and as a theme, ironic) as a devolution in education, since the leftist intercession into the education system over the past 30 years should have put a socialist spear into every young person's hand, poised to cause all sorts of hopey changey, I wonder what happened?

    Refusing to participate, confused at the process, flummoxed by the very heart of our system in democracy, the founder/forefather idealized, left to beat outside the chest of boilerplate protections one would assail as Bills of Rights and whatnots on the label.

    Perhaps it's not just youth, wasted on the young but also some other intangible goods squandered by our progressivism-charged community organizer chiefs, in a land of indians.

  9. Back To Top    #269
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    It makes me wonder how the millennials' children will turn out. Will it turn out that the movie Wall-E ends up being as much of an unintended documentary as Idiocracy has?

  10. Back To Top    #270

    Re: Politics

    I think what we're witnessing today, is a result of the new mapping of the paradigm that once began as a societal shift which of course started with freedoms granted to the people back in those 1789 days.

    It's social blueprint is created not by the trilateral commission or bilderbergers, illuminati not controlling, it's a circumstance of being put into context without admission or "on purpose" as much as it is simply residual, or something.

    Millenials were the first real testing ground for all this new free stuff message, unintentional for the most part but relating back to previous generations' once upon a Great Society time, and perhaps ringing through history like a bad recessive gene plowing through familial genealogies.

    I'd see it as something not yet expressed, since social justice warriors have something those other earlier parenthetical types didn't, in the internet. Internet of Things, is the cultivator, more precisely the incubator, of something that can overcome individual neuroses and even "cult of personality" can't conquer it? Hmmm....

    Maybe, some of the disease that catches in internet speak, this overwrought sense of political correctness won't flesh out as a devolving or degenerative condition in the case of WW3, maybe the new dark ages is defined by our sameness, our continuity actually becomes a curse as extra terrestrials see sheep...

    wait, scratch that.

    but doesn't it remind us of the fear we feel, in discussing how inferior the millenial generation appears in comparison to something like the greatest generation?

    it's not possibly superficial, it has to mean something. I don't know about the rest of you, but sitting here at year 48 I see a lot of what my parents saw 25 years back, so that gives me hope at least.

    IT is all in my head.

    I haven't seen Idiocracy or Wall-E so I can only surmise that the millenials have a few soft spots, easy buttons, in their psycho-bukakke mish-mash, generally speaking of course.

    But isn't that the rub, it's perspective, perspective, perspective when describing selective value judgments encompassing an entire generation's misfit-ness, I for one welcome those overlords, unless...

    there aren't any.

    Now, deep in late night, I know we can all agree that there's reason for concern, if not for our country then at least for the sake of the entire human race, and isn't that scriptural, isn't that also something "ringing" through time, isn't that the reason we as a collective organism glow with some supernatural essence, while dark spots dot the countenance of history, what is our dark spots, are we perhaps, ridding the human race of it's freckles, or are we homogenizing the surface while beneath the internet, like collagen, supports the new?

    I'd like to believe in some far-fetched theory that by reconnecting disparate parts, we can make a new monster that only moves us forward, instead of reinforcing old stereotypes and reminding us that no matter how much things change, they remain the same.

    It certainly appears today to have reached a crescendo of unhappy mouths open wide, yelling for something we've never seen before, comfort without payment, a wish for us as a society, to bypass sweat equity with some new deal economics that just provides for the masses who lack personal ambition and have little conviction, who ask without shame to be counted in that number swell, safe from scrutiny for tapping into the public wells of welfare...

    And it seems so easy. If we used half of our Defense budget to eradicate poverty, essentially producing a real income stream for all, freeloaders especially, what would that cost us?

    Would we be attacked, if we reduced our defenses by half?

    Would we be invaded instead, by all the poor souls living inabsentia, in less enlightened locales, trains coming over our borders covered in human bodies looking for their personal tap into the keg of American prosperity?

    Isn't that what has already happened, isn't that indicative of why we have less and less social security to pay out? And open borders leading us down that dark path, where people come from all over to sit in our sunshine and crowd out those spots saved for citizenry, isn't that not obvious already?

    Hmm... it's like a pendulum, with our country swinging back but how far is far enough? I'd bet that 99% of the people would be selfish in their promoted means of governance, if there was a descriptor like, "precious little" to spare, but that isn't our reality really. I know when I see those vacuous spaces that North Korea calls supermarkets, I feel a tinge of despair that America has so much and if only for semantic reasons, I, as a consequence appreciate less how much I have, every day I live in relative splendors, our average walmart bursting at the seams with affluence in comparison. Do I deserve it... do we.

    So, is a tinge enough? Nah, not reality enough, I guess.

    I think I'm beginning to understand that I don't want to be like North Korea, I think I"m beginning to understand that the millenials are just living with less guilt, and at once, less selfish? Is it really selfishness if it doesn't have a bottom, a leg to stand on... haha...

    again, I apologyze for the ongoing interruption into the time you waste here in this hive-mind, buzzing with someone else's thoughts bouncing against the walls of your cranial space...

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