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Thread: Your govt at it again

  1. Back To Top    #11
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Your govt at it again

    Quote Originally Posted by AL9000 View Post
    I'm sorta torn on the whole spying thing. Cameras on the street corners and drones flying around scanning for trouble don't bother me. I get pissed when they try to invade the privacy of my home. I guess the question is, once a phone call or email leaves your house and enters the ether, is it still considered covered by the 4th Amendment?
    The problem is, potus, congress and the courts have perverted the 4th amendment.

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
    (emphasis added)

    They are vacuuming up info with no proof of crime.

  2. Back To Top    #12

    Re: Your govt at it again

    Quote Originally Posted by AL9000 View Post
    I guess the question is, once a phone call or email leaves your house and enters the ether, is it still considered covered by the 4th Amendment?
    It should be, that's why the punishments for mail fraud are so strong. An exact analogy is - once you put a letter in your mail box, is it considered public domain ?

  3. Back To Top    #13

  4. Back To Top    #14

    Re: Your govt at it again

    I bet this won't see the light of day in the mainstream media outlets

  5. Back To Top    #15
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Your govt at it again

    Nope, they're too busy talking about how well the prosecution is doing in the Zimmerman trial

  6. Back To Top    #16

    Re: Your govt at it again

    Quote Originally Posted by SublimeZ View Post
    Nope, they're too busy talking about how well the prosecution is doing in the Zimmerman trial
    After today, I am assuming Zimmerman will walk

  7. Back To Top    #17

    Re: Your govt at it again

    These are the guys that Obama and the boys are supporting ....

  8. Back To Top    #18

    Re: Your govt at it again

    Is this the new standard ? instead of govt bailouts, the bank will just confiscate depositors money ...

  9. Back To Top    #19
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Your govt at it again

    no way I'd have money in an eu bank

  10. Back To Top    #20
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: Your govt at it again

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