I missed the drama, but I am glad you un-self-sabotaged the site.
-- SQ is great, but sometimes nostalgia is greater. --
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I'm the king of hacking my own shit.
Is anyone else noticing a lag in page load times? Does it through my FF browser and tapatalk. Never noticed it until tonight.
-- SQ is great, but sometimes nostalgia is greater. --
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That was a sinking feeling getting the ban message. I thought I had crossed the line, but then dejo told me the forum blew up. I'm really happy and honored to be on a forum where the owner cares enough to let everyone know that his puter stuff wasn't playing nice with each other. I even sent him an email asking what the ban message was all about, but then realized he would have sent me a warning via pm if I would have crossed the line.
They might say "don't try this at home" but nothing about not trying it at your friend's house.
Seems to be acting better for me this morning.
-- SQ is great, but sometimes nostalgia is greater. --
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