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Thread: Polihics

  1. Back To Top    #181

    Re: Politics

    let's look on this as a simple layer kind of thing.

    The spending way, the democrat partisan blow-up of national debt, may be the smarter way. The problem is you can be too smart for your own good. If we can anthropomorph our economy, we could semi-attach that to the GDP, as the barometer where levels, and layers are laid.

    I saw something Patrick wrote, about how the bigger debt people are the more successful, the most successful leverage the least for the most. Trump is not only well-versed in this, I have a suspicion that going the way he goes, this country won't have to withstand disgrace, or bowing to kings of nations who harbor and command control of terrorists. I have an insidious itch, that I'd like to see scratched and of the two candidates, only Trump will be able to scratch it.

    This is superficiality, I suppose. But let's look at a thing. This country is in so dire a need for a conservative-principled, debt reduction artist that it put a woman in contention, as a sandbag, a handicap, a crutch to let the Republican party regain control.

    That's our national consciousness, or conscience, telling everyone in no uncertain terms that before another liberal 8 years can deconstruct this country to a point we may no longer retain control of a singularity, our Khan-esque establishment of superpower stats, we have to have a break.

    not a pause, because the liberal pitting and corrosion caused by a condition of conspirators reaching for some "hope and change" overshot that mark, leaving us 20 trillion in the red.

    that's where the "smart debt goes big, small debt loses out" maxim may be betrayed, the country feels unsecured, the people in it don't understand how a negative balance makes them cross the poverty line but our nation not only sustains itself, it shows on paper a rise from a recession, our stock market blasts through that misunderstanding and we overvalue our investments without the requisite apprehension required for such a move.

    and a superficial layer of success is supported by a complicit media, shining up statistics so that our liberal machine continues to push the ceiling, debt be damned we will have buoyancy, willing ourselves to pop-up from the nose-dive, unscathed by the dangers lurking behind Chinese "thousand years" thinking.

    even now, there is a substantial group of voters who hinge their decision on the fact of just simply breaking the glass ceiling, as if we liberate ourselves of a damnation, as if we reconcile the past prejudices and outright discrimination women remain encumbered by, when all it is, is nothing but a fabricated sense of equality forced into our waking, a marker to show we've reached past previous attempts, or that we've crossed a finish line.

    We will not, and we have not, and we aren't contingent on anything to move ahead. We are provided the opportunity to imagine what if, but that should be all that remains after November.

  2. Back To Top    #182

    Re: Politics

    I know this forum doesn't get a lot of traffic, and off-topic is relatively, not the place that, that other site produces. Much more of a camaraderie, a comrades-in-arms kind of embrace.

    However, I have been allowed to remain and whereas I am a known quantity, a bringer of antagonistic frictions into a smooth-sided model of a home, away from home where visitors are respected and secret places require further clearances, or perhaps donations? Erstwhile, the unexamined forum requires little, the examined life requires much...

    so let's sleep on it, before jumping the gun and letting mob rule validate the hollow win of rebuke and disdain claim first place.

    I don't want a woman president. That's pretty yee-haw harsh, on the inspection of it, if all I have are archaic designs of man-beasts at odds, in older than byzantine eras of patriarchy-hierarchies.

    So, do I see something in Trump? I really do, maybe it's the failed part of me that identifies so well with his philosophical derringer pointed willy-nilly, firing these politically incorrect missiles of what appears to be numbskullery winning the day, I see something. I see someone who doesn't wear the appropriate button, the muzzle of self-corrected patience-derived fodder for the Twitter drones, waiting for a bonus in a media way, a jump at the tolling placements, paid to click, to make clicks.

    the media quality has suffered, even as it has taken on a surreal "we are you" supposition, as if the truth is presented and we are dealing with not alterable facts by the corporations that pay for the candidates, vehicle...

    Trump didn't need a media vehicle, since his inclusion was substantive enough to make political hay all on it's own, something he probably banked on, and continues to tweet out barely intelligent, knee-jerk responses to those insults, those investigative muck-makers dredge history for something to hurt.

    Anyways, so what's it that makes Trump a possibly great president?

    Think, look closer.

    The craft that Trump made to ride out the storm of media antagonists, is built from hubris and pride and narcissistic self-importance, but that's where the water line never reaches. The quick sale, the able-bodied response of a person standing on conviction, the salesman who sells, is also every bit as valid as the sneaky, across the aisle.

    Would they "death match" well, would Trump simply grind Hillary into the dirt should they battle it out in Trump's territory of real estate, of acquiring?

    Would Hillary sweep the leg, would she use the Secret Service to side-step the rules and make an error in judgement, that somehow escapes punishment but builds on her political capital, who would believe she would have the strength to dump her adulterer husband and stand in-flagrante, the pants suit maven gutting that marriage-in-shambles and rising from the divorced mom statistical ledge, of course not... that's not a platform that delivers.

    so we have a political expediency type of in-situ, accommodation.

    kind of like we had before, Obama did what was necessary to win, Hillary did that for him, the "video that saved Barack" even now, reverberates in the little truth/deception meters in our heads, like why was that allowed to happen?

    Willing to expand on a fabrication, unable to explain anything that would remotely resemble acceptance of guile, err.. guilt...

    I hate the liar, I try to discard any of the false multiple-choices in my decision making, and I am resigned, to distinguish truth from fiction. When I see it in our media, or our authority figures, it makes me disgraced to know that we exist under the liar's umbrella, a porous construct of fable forged from fakeness, I do not feel shielded from the rain.

    Trump doesn't have a baggage compartment, filled with those kinds of problems.

    What he has, I can accept. I can allow for business-minded methodology, I can accept the times where he bet big and lost, which aren't really matters that matter, presidential-personages and what not.

    See, Trump represents the actual non-partisan figure we should all aspire to head this country, someone who isn't spending loads of money and time to advance either party to the dominant position.

    He's for himself, is what we see being said. I like that. I like that he doesn't have to really listen to the conservatives woe, the social conservatives' games of selective discrimination on religious grounds, he doesn't really have to worry about what might happen if he votes across the aisle or goes semi-socialist with a personal conviction.

    We saw George W get hammered because of his enacted role as defender of this nation's sovereignty, going to war to give Muslim advancers pause.

    I am perturbed that we allowed the disassembled parts of Iraq to be picked up, and put under terrorists again, Obama let go of the noose that was our incursion into the middle east, then he put the knife into our enemies' hand, a then anonymous collection of rebels that were comprised of double-agency, Al Quaida/ISIS brands hidden from view.

    What could Obama have done, that would have saved the now thousands of people dying at the hands of IS?

    Would we be asking that question, if Trump was in charge.

    That's what liberal sycophants, lose sleep over at night. I believe there is a ribbon, a zone of respect afforded by this country, the only nation to use a nuclear weapon in war, that Trump will not disrespect, but really contains aggression, aggressors of all sorts really. I do not see Hillary afforded the same ground, to stand on.

    I wouldn't be afraid of a Trump administration, built of all the best parts, not cronyism on partisan grounds, but actual masters of their disciplines at the controls of each advisory position.

    Mike Pence as his Veep, is where we see the heart of Trump, humble servant to the social conservatism of his generation, if he is taken out Mike will bring the country to a place where at least, people have a constitution to persist. I think it kind of shows in a way, Trump being insecure of making a full term, before an assassination attempt delivers him.

    what do you guys and girls think about that, why let DIYMA have all the politically-induced rages and charged rhetoric when we can go at it right HERE!

  3. Back To Top    #183

    Re: Politics

    two weeks pass, and nobody seems interested in my game or dance, I am perplexed.

    is it simpatico, does the wind of conservatism blow through this place so effectively that no liberal mind notice and present an argument for review....

    Trump is coming?

    Everyone okay with that, then?

  4. Back To Top    #184

    Re: Politics

    Have you ever been able to document one mind/opinion that was changed by "spirited debate" on the internet? (especially a political opinion) I think we are just smart enough to realize the only way to "win" is to not feed the troll in the first place.

    What perplexes me is that we are still talking as if we only have two options to choose from and no one is taking it upon themselves to look into Gary Johnson because a "third party can never win"..... and boom- the sheep are led to slaughter.

  5. Back To Top    #185
    Senior Member captainobvious's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    That criminal Hillary and that dope Donald aren't getting my vote. I'll vote for Johnson.

  6. Back To Top    #186
    Senior Member captainobvious's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    I don't feel like I can trust either candidate from the Republican or Democratic parties to do what they say they will and represent the nation with honor in the process. I like the option of Johnson because I support less government, less restriction of free market trade, less focus on international affairs and more on the home front. We spend entirely too much on being the boss of the rest of world and have allowed too many sacrifices of liberties at home as a result of much of that.

    I like most of what he supports and plans to accomplish and trust what he is saying to be more truthful than either Trump or Clinton. I feel like we get 4 more years of the same with either....or worse yet.

  7. Back To Top    #187

    Re: Politics

    While I enjoy a good debate, I can't pick up the hillary reigns against ya caj.........I really, really don't like that I'm pretty disgusted by the whole notion of politics, as if the idea that voicing my opinion by vote is going to do anything to affect the well oil cogs of our governmental machine. The potus, during my adult life, seems to be nothing more than a mouthpiece, a paltry pawn in the game, touted as your opportunity to participate in our great countries governing processes by choosing your canidate, but in reality simply a scapegoat for those that oppose, and a hero for those that agree......a position that is simply our government saying "look, you matter" in a feeble attempt of the powers that be trying to relate to the general public. I've seen politician after politician get elected on empty promises, that they seem to lack the power to follow through on, while both Democrat and Republican simply continue to ease us down this already laid out road, planned in back rooms and committees far away from public view or participation, years ahead of time, I assume. With our strictly controlled media, secretive powers that be, and government too big and complicated to understand, let alone be changed, I don't believe the real decisions or really any influence at all shall ever be allowed to be within Joe publics grasp......simply dangled in his face enough to misdirect, divide, and ensure continued ignorance among the masses like an imaginary carrot, while the original intentions and ideology of our country continues down the rocky path of distruction, stifled and constricted under the fascist wrath of greed and world domination........

    But I may just be

  8. Back To Top    #188
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    I'm willing to jump off the GOP bandwagon, the wheels seem to be falling off anyway...the sad part is that you rarely see Democrats willing to leave. If both Democrats and Republicans were willing to cross party lines, then a third party would be viable.

  9. Back To Top    #189
    Senior Member astrochex's Avatar
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    Re: Politics

    I bailed on the GOP before the primaries. I can't vote for any of the candidates.

  10. Back To Top    #190

    Re: Politics

    I kind of get misty-eyed, at the notion that I might use a con-something, conflation, conscription, congregation, whatever, in describing the response patters, generated by my long-winded misogynist-colored bent. But is that where we are at, outside of the 3 party notions, outside of the pessimism inherent in any political exercise, do we remove the x in Christmas, if we place our conservatism brand in the oval office?

    I'm in a confluence front, if that can describe the feelings of a generation's width, if not breadth- just predilections on a theme, I guess?

    so wordy, my loquaciousness, unhinges.

    Energized by the apparent unwillingness for the average liberal, to engage my Hitler-esque wrongs wrapped in simple sauce, a bag of indigestibles looking conveniently like tamales... do not eat, warnings... no, no warnings.

    what is the TRUMP dangers? How does he scare the average liberales, (think federales, then) that bringing jobs is upended by a Hillary basket of compotes, stamped social security? Bennies of a generational legendary goods status, growing up on the cheese, then?

    I don't see it. I don't see the reason to throw the system into early warning status, just because of a few misplaced, missives that hadn't been corrected for universal political correctness.

    So there are more check marks, dog-ears on the reports, the mind wraps itself around the low hanging fruit, and there's just so much with Trump that it seems as though he could be one of us, one of the 'not quite ready for prime time' adjudicants, developed under the low vacuum of public school learning and too much common sense for it not to rub hard, sometimes.

    Direction, it seems, has been Trump's soft under armor. Direction he has not allowed them to put the bit in mouth, and why should he? Is it our fears that such a man would do a less than solid, when the time comes to present Presidential matters, does it not make itself abundantly clear that becoming President, not only changes the candidate, it also changes the voting public and yet we have doomsday fears bandied about as if Trump would trample the Presidency into some unrecognizable beast of personality, the cult of personality on "small hands, large penis" superficiality, invective much?

    Why isn't anyone debating me on the efficacy of a woman presidency, why is it not challenged, saber rattles cut into little pieces my awful myopic, bigoted heart? I was expecting the wrath of the fairer half, and yet, there are women even now whispering of a desire never to see a woman governess, transform the presidency into estrogen-laden low bar, high media blitz type two-part plays?

    Delve into why a woman could achieve even greater successes, at Camp David, creating the space necessary for men to find themselves outside of their blood covered lines in the sand, or at the generation of ideas to promote the economic recovery that makes Cash for Clunkers, seem like a bad dream?

    I don't like it, this seeming agreement with a misogynist, there has to be someone fuming in pink about now...

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