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  1. Back To Top    #81

    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    What is a link card ?

  2. Back To Top    #82
    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    EBT system in states affected by the temporary outage also included Alabama, California, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia.

    LINK , SNAP benefits, and money is dispersed to the cards on the first, fifth and 10th days of every month, so the disruption came at what is typically a high-use time for the cards. Powell said that some grocery store cashiers had been speculating that the federal government's shutdown caused the problem, but state officials have been assured that that is not the case.
    Different cards are for different states.
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  3. Back To Top    #83

    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    ok, so it's welfare, food stamps, etc ..

  4. Back To Top    #84
    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    Default looming, Day 14 of shutdown, no solution

    Here comes a cliff Thelma, floor it Louise

    reaction of world markets and the Dow Jones
    Let's tell em enough is enough ^^^^^
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  5. Back To Top    #85
    Noob Lanson's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up


    Just stop with the mis-information

  6. Back To Top    #86
    Noob Lanson's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    Here is the truth:

    SAN ANGELO, Texas — Even when it comes to something as basic, and apparently as simple and straightforward, as the question of who shut down the federal government, there are diametrically opposite answers, depending on whether you talk to Democrats or to Republicans.
    There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going — except for Obamacare. This is not a matter of opinion. You can check the Congressional Record.
    As for the House of Representatives’ right to grant or withhold money, that is not a matter of opinion either. You can check the Constitution of the United States. All spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which means that congressmen there have a right to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity.
    Whether Obamacare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion.
    Obamacare is indeed “the law of the land,” as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has upheld its constitutionality. But the whole point of having a division of powers within the federal government is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what the other branches do, when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution.
    The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies — unless they are in an agency that would administer Obamacare.
    Since we cannot read minds, we cannot say who — if anybody — “wants to shut down the government.” But we do know who had the option to keep the government running and chose not to.
    The money voted by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for Obamacare. The Senate chose not to vote to authorize that money to be spent, because it did not include money for Obamacare.
    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that he wants a “clean” bill from the House of Representatives, and some in the media keep repeating the word “clean” like a mantra. But what is unclean about not giving Reid everything he wants?
    If Reid and President Barack Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run Obamacare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility. You cannot blame other people for not giving you everything you want. And it is a fraud to blame them when you refuse to use the money they did vote, even when it is ample to pay for everything else in the government.
    When Obama keeps claiming that it is some new outrage for those who control the money to try to change government policy by granting or withholding money, that is simply a baldfaced lie. You can check the history of other examples of “legislation by appropriation,” as it used to be called.
    Whether legislation by appropriation is a good idea or a bad idea is a matter of opinion. But whether it is both legal and not unprecedented is a matter of fact.
    Perhaps the biggest of the big lies is that the government will not be able to pay what it owes on the national debt, creating a danger of default. Tax money keeps coming into the treasury during the shutdown, and it vastly exceeds the interest that has to be paid on the national debt.
    Even if the debt ceiling is not lifted, that only means that government is not allowed to run up new debt. But that does not mean that it is unable to pay the interest on existing debt.
    None of this is rocket science. But unless the Republicans get their side of the story out — and articulation has never been their strong suit — the lies will win. More important, the whole country will lose.

  7. Back To Top    #87
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

  8. Back To Top    #88
    Noob Lanson's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    Wow that like almost never happens, Al digs my response. LOL j/k.

    Here's some more to chew on, and while I can't say I can confirm this stuff yet, it sounds very plausible.

    First, I came across this,

    "I have worked in the government on and off for 40 years. During that time I became quite familiar with requisitions, bidding, awarding contracts etc. It is a time consuming process with bean-counters and pencil-necked bureaucrats every step of the way. The simplest request takes months not days or hours.

    In less than 8 hours of the shutdown, miraculously, professionally printed 3X4 foot signs appeared all over the country in the tens of thousands saying-[park, facility, etc. with custom logos] closed due to government shutdown. There has not been a government shutdown in 17 years. These signs were designed, specifications were determined, signs were then requisitioned, bids were posted and vetted, government contracts were awarded. The materials were then ordered and the signs manufactured then distributed U.S. Mails or freight companies.

    This shutdown was orchestrated and planned well in advance at least 6-8 month ago. Millions of tax dollars were appropriated and spent in this process. There is a paper trail a mile long leading directly to the White House."

    Here's another,

    History Rhymes: ObamaCare Website and the Ukrainian Wheat Farmers

    The fact that the ObamaCare website is a complete clusterbungle that is totally inoperative is 100% INTENTIONAL.

    It was designed to cause denial of service attacks on ITSELF, people.

    Come on! Wake up! This isn’t difficult!

    This reminds me exactly of the Ukraine under Stalin in the early 1930s. The Ukraine is the breadbasket of eastern Europe. Tremendous farming and wheat production was centered in the Ukraine. Under Lenin and then Stalin, all farms and food production were seized and controlled by the state. The Soviets hated the Ukrainians and wanted them all dead. All of them. So here’s what they did:

    At wheat planting time, the farmers all went to the Soviet office in town to get their allocation of seed wheat to plant for that year’s crop. The Soviets stalled and stalled and then simply refused to give the Ukrainian farmers any seed. As the planting window narrowed day by day and then finally closed, the farmers became first ever more urgent and then resigned themselves in despair to the fact that they would have no crop that year.

    Fast forward to wheat harvest time. The Soviet bureaucrats showed up at the farms and demanded that the farmers deliver that year’s wheat crop harvest. The farmers, in complete disbelief at the Soviets after having begged and pleaded for seed a few months earlier only to be ignored and then explicitly denied any seed by these very same Soviet bureaucrats, told them that there was no harvest because YOU REFUSED TO GIVE US ANY SEED.

    The bureaucrats then accused the farmers of hiding and hoarding the wheat harvest, and summarily executed all of the men and teenaged boys on the spot as “enemies of the Revolution and the people”. Those were the lucky ones.

    The Ukrainians left alive then slowly starved to death, many descending into the madness of starvation. Many Ukrainian women, insane with hunger, slaughtered, cooked and ate their own children. Some of those women survived the famine and carried the intense guilt of what they had done for the rest of their lives. Before this totally state-engineered famine was over, upwards of three million Ukrainians were dead in less than two years. This event is called The Holodomor.

    This is what people who have hoarded an entire wheat harvest and gorged themselves on bread look like. Clearly. We know, because the nice people with the Hammer and Sickle shirts told us so..

    This ObamaCare website is similar in tactic. You are going to be punished for failing to comply with ObamaCare, even though the regime has specifically and maliciously seen to it that compliance is impossible – not that any person of conscience should even attempt to comply with the satanic ObamaCare anyway.

    It’s intentional.

    It’s intentional.

    It’s intentional.

    History rhymes. Like an Irishman’s dirty limerick.

    You people had better man up and do something real and concrete to depose these neo-Stalinist psychopaths. Mere talk and hand-wringing leads straight to mass graves.

    Ann Barnhardt

  9. Back To Top    #89
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    Section 7. Clause 1. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
    The Obamacare law in effect started in the Senate but passed under the guise that it wasn't a "Tax"
    The Supreme Court ruled that it was a tax
    Therefore, Obamacare is illegal because it is a tax that was levied by the Senate, not the House

  10. Back To Top    #90
    Noob Lanson's Avatar
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    Re: gubment shuts down and Obamacare opens up

    Yes agreed, sadly we can say this about many "taxes" as well.

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