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Thread: Jeff Bezos

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    Re: Jeff Bezos

    good for him, whats the point of this post

  3. Back To Top    #3

    Re: Jeff Bezos

    Sort of bizarre that his wealth angers people. And you know they have Prime memberships

  4. Back To Top    #4
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Jeff Bezos

    This is just Hic/a$$hole/Oliver/Queef trying to fly under the radar with a different IP. 90% of the time, he just posts shit to get people wound up, that way he can sit back and watch the fireworks.

  5. Back To Top    #5

    Re: Jeff Bezos

    Jeff Bezos is a hero to me! He has made many, many donations .
    100 million to help america to eat while we get through this phase.

    The women here are doing what they can to get america through this "rough patch" , too.

  6. Back To Top    #6
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Jeff Bezos

    Quote Originally Posted by mlekk View Post
    Jeff Bezos is a hero to me! He has made many, many donations .
    100 million to help america to eat while we get through this phase.
    If he's about to be a trillionaire, then $100 million is like if you had $100 in your pocket and you dropped a penny

    The women here are doing what they can to get america through this "rough patch" , too.
    Wow! Alice Walton is worth $54.4B and she donated $25 million. That's a whopping .046%.
    Julia Koch is worth $38.2B. The article doesn't say if she personally donated anything, but her foundation raised over $19 million
    Mackenzie Bezos has signed a piece of paper promising to give away half her fortune at some time if her life.
    Jacqueline Mars used to work for a company that recently donated $20 million cash

    These women be generous AF

  7. Back To Top    #7

    Re: Jeff Bezos

    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl205 View Post
    Wow! Mackenzie Bezos has signed a piece of paper promising to give away half her fortune at some time in her life.
    What is half of her money ? She gave Jeff 3 sons and they adopted a baby girl.

  8. Back To Top    #8

    Re: Jeff Bezos

    Mackenzie Bezos got 25% of Google stock in divorce settlement , so as Jeff approaches trillionaire status his ex will be adding more to her wealth ( probably 70 billion ÷ 2 = a little help for americans )

    35 billion in donations by 2025 ?

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