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Thread: "The Bomb in the Brain - The True Roots of Human Violence"

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    "The Bomb in the Brain - The True Roots of Human Violence"

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    BURNED OUT Hillbilly SQ's Avatar
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    Re: "The Bomb in the Brain - The True Roots of Human Violence"

    OK here's what I got out of this. People are crazy so no denying that. As someone who was verbally abused A LOT because of a genetic mental disability I had no control over I can tell you that anger and depression can be a big part of your life if you let it. Luckily my parents were both educated people and really good insurance otherwise there's no telling where I'd be right now (probably in and out of jail). The big difference is my mom understood what was going on and while my dad tried he was still an ass part of the they were divorced when I was 7 or 8. Pretty much everyone who suffers from what is touched on in that video has a mental illness of some kind. The trick is to catch it early and work on rehab so you can live a mostly normal life as an adult. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but when you suffer from mental illness your life will NEVER be "normal". You'll probably grow out of a lot of it but it will always be holding you back in some way. And medication for your mental illness isn't a bad thing as long as you aren't overly medicated. I take one medication that takes the edge off but still allows my true self to show through for better or worse. I've known many people with the same thing I do that are so medicated that they're walking zombies. Been there myself but luckily my mom was a huge part of my treatment and being an RN at the hospital I was being treated at probably helped the professionals in Neurology respect her opinion more.

    So, where am I going with this spillage of my guts? Well, it's not what you have but more how you deal with it and pull yourself out of it as an adult. There's a pretty good chance that those with mental illness (I'm talking disabled parents of normal kids and disabled kids with ignorant parents) probably have dead spots in their brain. They mapped my brain twice when I was a kid and there were dead spots that were underdeveloped and spots what were overdeveloped. You just have to make do with what you have and learn how to behave when the part of your brain that controls impulse response and/or empathy is barely working or not working at all. This is why it's good to go through a process of thinking "how will this effect those around me if I do this" before doing something.

    I do have family and extended family with serious mental illness that refuses to get help because they're afraid to try medications to take the edge off. They read the rare side effects online and don't even try it before writing it off. One of my extended family that was early 30's took his own life a couple months ago after several failed attempts because he was too pigheaded to get help and having trashy parents and a severely broken home didn't help either. Again, education is key and being willing to get help.

    If you haven't figured it out yet, I just described how I'm dealing with the bomb inside my brain. Self-control is just like a breaker and when that breaker pops you have to be quick to reset it before you hurt yourself or others
    They might say "don't try this at home" but nothing about not trying it at your friend's house.

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