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Thread: Under appreciated Subwoofers

  1. Back To Top    #21
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    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    The great thing about a too small box ? The mono midbass !

  2. Back To Top    #22

    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Quote Originally Posted by JCsAudio View Post
    During this holiday I have had some free time to just mess around and since its 28 degrees outside I have been messing around modeling different subwoofers and reading into their specifications. Some I have had and some I have done a lot of research into. I think I recognize that there seem to be only a few select brands and specific subwoofers that get all the love and others just get forgotten or cast aside as not worthy. So I came up with a small list of what I call under appreciated subwoofers that I think should get more press for what they are. I went through a decent amount of them mulling over Parts Express and Madisound and a few other select underground sites where the mainstream stuff doesn't exist. For reference I'm going to use the AudioFrog GB12 as the benchmark by which all these are measured since many here have had experience with this forum boner and for good reason. Here is the list that I came up with models attached. All are modeled as 12" subwoofers U.O.N and in ported boxes because I think ported boxes give the best SQ and SPL in car audio if they are tuned low, have DSP intervention, and built right. Some of these subwoofers are only available in 10" versions or just work better as 10" so I have noted as such.

    #1 Eminence Lab 12C, with a cast aluminum basket, paper cone, modest box requirements it works well for car audio and models very closely to the GB12 for less than half the price. Its one of those subwoofers that I think should be mentioned more often. I would say its only drawback is its surround may not stand up to UV rays over time in a car environment. This subwoofer only needs 500 watts (same as GB12) to get down. Lab 12c green Vb= 1.96 cu ft net fb= 31 Hz AF GB orange Vb= 1.633 Fb= 30.73 Hz . You can see in this graph that the two on 500 watts model closely and the Lab 12C has a little better sensitivity but requires a slightly larger box.

    Attachment 7871

    #2 Scan Speak Discovery 26W/4558T00. This subwoofer is a lower powered 10" subwoofer but models well in both sealed and ported configurations. It has one of the lowest F3 points when modeling sealed. In the attached graph it is in a ported box with an Vb of 1.184 and a fb of 25.28 Hz. It has a black anodized aluminum cone, cast basket, and very low distortion. If you're looking for a very low distortion subwoofer on modest power than this subwoofer should be at the top of your list. In the attached graph below both are modeled at 425 watts RMS because the Scan runs out of excursion in this box above that power level.

    Attachment 7872

    #3 CSS SDX12 XBL2 12" Subwoofer. This subwoofer is somewhat well known but still doesn't get the love it deserves. Unlike a lot of XBL subwoofers I have modeled this one does well in a ported box. It requires, like many XBL subwoofers a lot of power but it also has very low distortion too. It really wants a big box but will do fine in a smaller box for car audio. Model specifications are Vb= 2, fb= 31 hz compared to the GB12, same box specifications as above but on 600 watts. Again, CSS SDX12 (red) vs AF GB12 (orange).
    Attachment 7873

    #4 Sundown SD3 10 and Sundown SD3 12. Yeah I know it is probably one of the most popular subwoofers on forums like this but seriously this subwoofer is fantastic for the price. It has an underhung voice coil design, is relatively shallow depth, and doesn’t give up Xmax or make lots of distortion either. It also hits really low in a ported box even though Sundown does not recommend it be used in a ported box. I own the SD3 10 version and it actually hits lower than my GB12 below 37 Hz with a 10" driver against a 12" driver. Sundown SD3 10 (yellow) vb= 1.577 fb= 31.49 vs AF GB12 vb= 1.633 fb= 30.73 (orange) on 500 watts.

    Attachment 7874

    Here is the Sundown SD3 12 (black) vs AF GB12 (orange) on 500 watts.

    Attachment 7875

    #5 SSA ICON 12. This subwoofer I think is really underappreciated for the specifications it has and if you really want some ass kicking lows and have the 1250 watts it demands (probably could take more) than this beast is it. It’s also a beautiful looking subwoofer in my opinion with a very attractive price for what you get. EDIT: changed the T/S parameters because I had them input wrong before which changed the model slightly.

    Here it is modeled all by itself because an AF GB12 wont hang with this thing due to different power levels. SSA ICON 12 vb= 1.75 fb= 31 Hz.

    Attachment 7892

    SSA ICON 12 (red) vs AF GB12 (orange) on 600 watts for comparison sake.

    Attachment 7893

    Well that's it for now. I'm sure I missed a bunch of them and if you want you can post them up here. If I get the time I may model them for you against the benchmark GB12 and post it here.
    #3 CSS SDX12's can use A LOT more power than that, I'm running them at 1800 rms in 1.25 cubic feet sealed, each.

  3. Back To Top    #23
    A Refined Basshead blockrocker's Avatar
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    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Quote Originally Posted by ckirocz28 View Post
    #3 CSS SDX12's can use A LOT more power than that, I'm running them at 1800 rms in 1.25 cubic feet sealed, each.
    Just out of curiosity, how long have you been giving them that much power? They look like an incredibly underrated sub.

  4. Back To Top    #24

    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Interested on that scanspeak 26. I need a single coil 10 that will work in a tiny sealed box. What size was it moddled in

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    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    1/2 cu ft is what Scanspeak calls for in vehicle and 1/2 inch of linear excursion Scanspeak claims .
    425 watt in box he modelled it in.

  6. Back To Top    #26

    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Is that gross or net? Because I have 400 watts but i have .5 gross

  7. Back To Top    #27
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    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Scanspeak sub will work in whatever size you put it in.
    The frequency range moves up higher as space gets smaller (a half pound of acoustistuf will allow a little lower notes to play )?

  8. Back To Top    #28

    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    So slightly smaller box. 8 ounce poly fill and letterip

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    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Quote Originally Posted by Queef View Post
    The great thing about a too small box ? The mono midbass !
    The high frequencies play better ! Not like IB subs.

  10. Back To Top    #30
    Noob JCsAudio's Avatar
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    Re: Under appreciated Subwoofers

    Guys, the power and box size and type are listed with the graphs I posted so all the information is listed there. I used 600 or 1000 watts and a ported box design as a reference point comparing it to the benchmarked GB12 so obviously if you wanted you could use more power depending on your subs needs and application. Sealed boxes, especially small sealed boxes are going to require more power to get the same SPL as a ported box and with more power in a sealed box you may get more distortion due to more cone excursion.

    A lot of subwoofers can take much more power than their listed power rating for short periods of time on music. The power rating of the subwoofer isn’t universally the same across all makes and models either and it’s really a thermal rating of the coil. Some manufacturers are conservative with their ratings and others list it closer to the actual limit of the coils thermal capability. There isn’t really a standard with that. The type of coil design, # of shorting rings, aluminum or copper wire, cone/VC material, box design and size, and coil size all change the power requirements of the subwoofer.
    Mazda CX5 AF GB10, AF GB25, AF GB60, JL VX800/8i, AF GB12 sealed, Mmats M1400.1

    Ford F150
    AF GB10, AF GB25, JLC5, JL twk88/Pioneer D8604, Mosconi Pico, JBL Club 5501, Sundown SD3-10 ported @ 30 Hz

    AF GB15, Audiofrog GS690, JL twk88/Pioneer D9500F, JBL GTX500, Alpine SWS10 ported @ 31 Hz

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