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Thread: Unique passwords for different sites

  1. Back To Top    #1
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
    Real Name
    Hayden, AL
    2018 Chevy Silverado Z-71
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Lightbulb Unique passwords for different sites

    It was brought up in another thread about how most people tend to use the same password on multiple websites and platforms. The problem is that if their password gets hacked on one site, the hacker now has access to other sites using the same password. It's best to have unique passwords for everything you have to login to, but remembering multiple passwords is a PITA. Here's a trick I learned several years ago.

    Step 1: Come up with a unique word or phrase that you wouldn't find in the dictionary...something like a nickname or slang word. For instance, my nephew mispronounces my name, Alan, as "Ahwin" for this example, ahwin will be my base word. To add a bit of difficulty we'll capitalize the 2nd letter aHwin

    Step 2: Add special characters and numbers. For this example, we'll make it ^aHwin7071...with 7071 being part of an old work number.

    Step 3: ***The most important step*** Take the first few letters of the website or platform that you are logging into. For instance, we'll take the first 4 letters of caraudiojunkies and capitalize the last letter to make the password ^aHwin7071carA. If we were logging into Yahoo, the password would be ^aHwin7071yahO. Facebook would be ^aHwin7071facE. Windows would be ^aHwin7071winD.

    So, by changing the password for each individual place that you login, it keeps your other sites secure.

    PS...I use a completely different sequence, so don't even try to login as Big Al

  2. Back To Top    #2

    Re: Unique passwords for different sites

    I've got my own method, but I like your approach Al. Mine isn't nearly as complex......

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