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Thread: What did Syria do to us?

  1. Back To Top    #101

    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    if a natural gas pipeline through Syria to Europe, from the Iran/Qatar field, leaves Russian control in place regarding energy balance of power, Syria needs to have Assad stay in power for Russia's sake.

    if we turn that country into a tinder box full of sulfur matches, we'll get the biggest Islamic porridge bowl the world has ever seen, and you can bet it won't be us saying "this one's too hot, this one's too cold... "

    Russia/China has serious reasons why they can't let us put Assad out of power, and us disguising our interest in the form of moral outrage is bluntly, imperiling the free world's status quo.

    I'd rather not see WWIII, or even WWIIi, be that as it may.

  2. Back To Top    #102
    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Time for a new prez, here !
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  3. Back To Top    #103
    Member Zac911's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
    I was never a big Bush supporter, he had plenty of faults but to be fair - the 9/11 attack was because Clinton was weak and failed to take him out when he had the chance and also left office at the beginnning of recession. Also, the recession at the end of Bush's rule was mostly caused by the Reed/Pelosi controlled congress. Unfortunately, Bush did a number of silly things in between.
    Muslims hate the American Gov't for it's constant interference in the middle east. You can't pin that all on Clinton not calling for the order to be executed. Had he called for it in fact one could argue it would have ramped things up much sooner. American Intelligence had enough data to know something was up in the summer of '01. A select few even profited from 9/11. Now we are all dealing with a massive expansion of gov't ( TSA and Military ) beating us over the head with freedom. What a joke.
    I am so fucking rad I shit rainbows

  4. Back To Top    #104
    Disturbing the peace SublimeZ's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zac911 View Post
    Muslims hate the American Gov't for it's constant interference in the middle east. You can't pin that all on Clinton not calling for the order to be executed. Had he called for it in fact one could argue it would have ramped things up much sooner. American Intelligence had enough data to know something was up in the summer of '01. A select few even profited from 9/11. Now we are all dealing with a massive expansion of gov't ( TSA and Military ) beating us over the head with freedom. What a joke.

    The American government is just the current face of the Western World to the Mid-East. We (the West) have been meddling in their affairs for 1200+ years.(Crusades) In modern history, The Allies partitioned the Ottoman Empire with their own political ends in mind. Paying no attention to the ancestral inhabitants or the ethnic makeup of their arbitrarily divided nations. In the 50's, we (the CIA, under Ike) helped the Brits overthrow the democratically elected ruler of Iran, and put the Shah in power.(google operation ajax) Countless other overt and covert actions have been before and since. All in support of the Petro-dollar, upon which the World economy depends. And we wonder why they hate us

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    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Ben may have been ahead of his time when he chose the turkey for our national bird
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  6. Back To Top    #106
    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Vladimir is playing us like a piano - bomb em !!!
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  7. Back To Top    #107

    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Quote Originally Posted by SublimeZ View Post
    In modern history, The Allies partitioned the Ottoman Empire with their own political ends in mind. Paying no attention to the ancestral inhabitants or the ethnic makeup of their arbitrarily divided nations.
    Sadly, NO ... They INTENTIONALLY broke them up in the way that they did. Ever notice that the border of every one of those countries splits a regional religious group down the middle ? They didn't want to put a group of Kurds, Shia, Sunni, etc ... together and make them into a country. Made them much easier to control when you put a strongman in charge of each country.

    They also did exactly the same thing when they created that bastard of a country known as Yugoslavia. They stuffed together groups of people that hated and distrusted each other for 1000 years.

  8. Back To Top    #108

    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hic View Post
    Ben may have been ahead of his time when he chose the turkey for our national bird
    He could not have forseen a simpleton like Obama being president.

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    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fricasseekid View Post
    Thank you! We put the rebels in charge and in turn they sell corporations barrels of oil at a cheap price, or do some other favor for them. Makes no difference if the rebel leaders are just as cruel and ruthless as the current administration. It's a business transaction.

    Sent from my Springfield XD with love!
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  10. Back To Top    #110
    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Here we go !

    JUNE 18, 2017
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    • WASHINGTON — An American fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane on Sunday after it dropped bombs near local ground forces supported by the United States, the first time the American military has downed a Syrian aircraft since the start of the civil war in 2011.

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