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Thread: What did Syria do to us?

  1. Back To Top    #1
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    What did Syria do to us?

    Why should we make a strike against a sovereign nation? Why isn't the left having a hissy fit?

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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    first off, what about our president issuing a red line months back?

    what was that for, his own personal "moxie" or was that premature, then?

    I think our president isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

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    Hi-Fi Junkie Hi-FiDelity's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Nothing Syria has done nothing to us that would require military action. They haven't taken citizens hostage nor have they declared war on us. Yes they used chemical weapons on their own citizenry which is deplorable, though that isn't reason for us to use military force. As limp wristed as it may sound sanctions are the name of the game here. I'm also not just talking trade, I'm talking humanitarian aid, Peacekeeping (the UN sends in Peace Keepers we obstain to send anyone). As much as it seems like Iran is still going ahead they have been shaken pretty bad by the international sanctions, the same thing could be done to syria and honestly unless they commit an act of war against us that's all we should do. The issue is we've acted like we're the world police since the USSR dissolved in 1991 and it really started to get out of hand with the whole "War on Terr' " bullshit. It needs to fucking stop. If a country want to violate the Geneva convention then let them but they can also deal with the ramifications.
    Last edited by Hi-FiDelity; 08-31-2013 at 02:25 PM.

  4. Back To Top    #4

    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    I'm gonna make this as simple as I can, because it's not really simple.

    We are world cop, because we are the light of democracy moving through free lands, we are the shining beacon of what happens when people are allowed to pursue their dreams.

    We relinquish that role, we lose our credibility, we lose the upper hand, in the moral, ethical sense.

    When bad people move against their own, we are the ones who uproot bad people and give the seed of democracy some earth to find roots. If the ground is just too hard, we have to let it go but we must always watch for bad grass, always the weed that shoots above the foliage of suitable plants, always the weed that cannibalizes the nutrients from the soil...

    those people that gas their own, had their reasons for doing it, are you saying their reasons trump ours, in taking stock of humanitarian abuses going on in the world?

    we have what we have, and to those who are given much, much is expected.

    Russia has never stopped their cold war objectives, they simply had their own system changed but within the new system, world domination is still very much a part of the mindset.

    We leave the Syrians to their fate, we are saying we are scared of Russia, and we should not be scared of Russia.

    In the sanctions department, Russia is not going to go along, and resources from Russia can keep Syria in Russia's pocket, no matter the atrocity, no matter the world's stage.

    If not us, then who?

    back to the simple thing, what is hardly acknowledged in our "free press" is how Islamic planning and agendas created this dilemma, and how we as a country not subject to a religion, must fight Islam strictly in the geopolitical sense, we do not have a mandate to duly subjugate or conquer other lands from a shared role by government and religion.

    Our mandate, is to produce conditions for free men to exist, and to stamp out bad weeds in our world garden.

    Democracy will only succumb to those forces dark, when free men no longer value it higher than the alternative.

  5. Back To Top    #5

    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    come on, everybody.

    I can't have made that great a case for going back to war with yet another country..

    let's hear the other side of it, then!

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    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    After 9/9/2013 if congress says go , we fire on Syria !

    ? another 9/11 , in another country ?
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    Big Daddy chad's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Dunno what the white house is thinking but I know one thing. My friends on the left think this is a horrible idea, my friends on the right think this is a horrible idea, and the friends I have treading water with me in the middle think this is a horrible idea.

    When you have an administration that is completely non-centered, it is dangerous when you have the public on both sides agreeing.

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    ~Paw~Paw})]<^>¥ Hic's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    If everyone votes against it , Barack will have to abide by the congressional vote.
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  9. Back To Top    #9
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: What did Syria do to us?

    Executive privilege!

  10. Back To Top    #10
    Noob Fricasseekid's Avatar
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    What did Syria do to us?

    Is there any country with a successful democracy that had it handed to them? Cause I would venture to say that democracy is only successful when it is earned. Entitlement is the democracy killer.

    How's Iraq doing these days?

    Sent from my Springfield XD with love!

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