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Thread: Microsoft Sync "Fix" - (long post)

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    Noob Nee's Avatar
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    Microsoft Sync "Fix" - (long post)

    It finally happened. I didn't notice the signs at first, but, my MS Sync in the Taurus (2011 Limited Non-Sony System) finally went full retard on me. After some research I was able to "fix" the issue so I thought I would share my steps and solution to the problem.

    I was initially using a Samsung GS3 then upgraded to the Samsung Note 5. Upon initializing the bluetooth connection I found the Note 5 played rather nicely with Sync. As a matter of fact, it was strides in front of the GS3 compatibility. Steering wheel, voice, and system controls (depending on the app you are using) where intuitive. And it now, for the first time ever, would read aloud any text message I received. It also allowed me to use the USB connection for maintaining the charge and as a file transfer system to play music, etc.

    The decline started:
    Ford recommends running the system diagnostics feature built in to all Sync Units. It checks all critical systems in the car as well as sensors, levels, etc. This is then uploaded to your "Ford owner" account on-line via your phone connection. It is a nice way to keep your bumper to bumper warranty intact and get notified of any updates, etc. I tried running this report about a month ago and it said it had a connection problem. I just thought it was a hiccup and ignored it; failing to come back and try again later

    the next "issue"
    When I would play music through the bluetooth, it would say it was playing but there was no sound for about 20 seconds. Smart lil ol me turned on Netflix and sure enough; there was a 15 to 20 second delay in the sound. thought... "meh-- bluetooth"

    then it started declining rapidly:
    *Using voice commands, I would say a command, Like "Bluetooth Audio," or "Sirius Radio," and it would question me to clarify or act like it never heard my voice.
    *When I would get a phone call, I had to answer it using my phone controls, instead of the steering wheel controls, then that eventually lead to the caller being able to hear me but I couldn't hear them.
    * the charger/USB connection would randomly connect and disconnect then it got to the point it could tell I had connected a "data device" but there was no communication back and forth.
    *and a plethora of other annoyances I won't go in to detail about.

    The "fix":
    At this point I knew something was really screwed up. I had not yet updated my Note or the Car radio O/S (FYI: there is a current update available that fixes i-Phone connection problems on the newer devices)
    So what does one whom is mildly inclined towards computers and car audio do? She goes in and deletes all connections in the radio the goes to the Sync Menu and does a master reset on the head unit. She also wipes out all connections in her Phone and does a Cache Clear of all apps that used the Bluetooth to connect. Unfortunately this didn't fix ANY of the problems.. WTF???? Tried resetting it three times, because... you know.

    While Searching for a solution, I had read on-line about another issue where the guy disconnected his Cars negative battery post to work on/fix another issue. Upon re-connecting the battery he eventually discovered all the Sync Features magically restored. So I did the same.
    Annnnd, It worked.

    so, after all, it really is a Microsoft Product to its core. The answer was literally turn it off and back on again -- after you "unplug it." -- sigh.
    I hope that helps someone, anyone, that is noticing strange little burps in their system. It is like the decline to the eventual blue screen of death. -- Good Luck

    oh, BTW, if you want, here is the link to the Sync Updates through Ford:

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    Big Daddy chad's Avatar
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    Re: Microsoft Sync "Fix" - (long post)

    I'd imagine there is a fuse you could pull that would do the same thing no?

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    Noob Nee's Avatar
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    Re: Microsoft Sync "Fix" - (long post)

    It was my understanding that this central unit receives power from multiple sources and that's why removing the negative post was recommended.

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    Noob Psyko's Avatar
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    Re: Microsoft Sync "Fix" - (long post)

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