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Thread: banned from DIYMA

  1. Back To Top    #21
    Team Knuckledragger papacueball's Avatar
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    Re: banned from DIYMA

  2. Back To Top    #22
    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: banned from DIYMA

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunner View Post
    I understand also that I am partly to blame for this banning, no matter how insignificant the percentage...
    Yeah, I'm sure it's probably somebody else's fault that you created a troll account

    and if anyone knows who is actually in charge of the forum now, and who might be contacted regarding my ban, that would be helpful too...
    I such luck

    All I know is a couple of years ago, you got a temp ban, and you came here to vent and talk about how bad DIYMA sucks. We took you in and gave you a shoulder to cry on...but as soon as the ban was lifted, you went running back with your tail wagging. Granted, you did say that you were going back...and those of us who were reinstated went back to post here and there, but there were very few who turned their backs on CAJ completely to go dipping back in the waters that they purportedly hated. Even though I wasn't really sad to see you go, it just kinda grated on a my nerves a tiny bit.

  3. Back To Top    #23

    Re: banned from DIYMA

    Quote Originally Posted by papacueball View Post

    Nobody gives a shit. Seriously.
    This. Fuck off back to diyma with another troll account.
    Team EMD : Team Show Kitchen

  4. Back To Top    #24

    Re: banned from DIYMA

    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl205 View Post
    Yeah, I'm sure it's probably somebody else's fault that you created a troll account

    I such luck

    All I know is a couple of years ago, you got a temp ban, and you came here to vent and talk about how bad DIYMA sucks. We took you in and gave you a shoulder to cry on...but as soon as the ban was lifted, you went running back with your tail wagging. Granted, you did say that you were going back...and those of us who were reinstated went back to post here and there, but there were very few who turned their backs on CAJ completely to go dipping back in the waters that they purportedly hated. Even though I wasn't really sad to see you go, it just kinda grated on a my nerves a tiny bit.
    now, I get this and I have to agree somewhat, because I did feel a little regret, after a few weeks of jumping back and forth between here and there, I did feel like I owed a debt to you, Al, and everyone who considered me, in whatever fashion. It bothered me 'a tiny bit' that I eventually left the fine folks that come here to return to a place where I had been unfairly moderated against. And for the record, I think DIYMA is a great place, always have. Even when I was misunderstood and banned without any recourse or chance at reckoning, I liked DIYMA the forum and it's members, if not it's officiating parties.

    I'm more of an eggs in one basket kind of thinker, and I see people like erinh delivering strong content on multiple forums almost simultaneously across the web, and I am not able to compete with that. So for me, it was more that the traffic here moved at such a slow pace that I wanted to give what little I can, and although this place and DIYMA share a lot of members, it's probably true that the kind of advice I give on DIYMA is unwarranted here, most of the people here don't really need it. The other stuff I do, the idea generation and the probing of various engineering overlaps with home/pro audio, well... I tried to be at diyaudio and I couldn't do it there either, even now as I transition more towards the home audio as I no longer spend most of my time behind a wheel...

    but that's not important.

    Since this place was where many banned people gathered, (including you?) my arriving and being given a place to discuss those events surrounding my ban, was a pretty typical circumstance, I was appreciative and said as much back then.

    but let's put that ball of wax down for a second-

    a troll account? Was I trolling people with it, with 7 posts, and the majority of those being helpful tips answering car audio questions?

    People are now trying to paint me as negative, when what I was doing was in the spirit of DIYMA's founding, questioning the manufacturer-provided data? Everyone who takes up for the vendor side, inadvertently or not, undermines that important function. If we can't produce critical analysis, and a manufacturer dictates to us what is acceptable and what is not, how is that a positive?

    I guess people would rather take the graphs and specs the manufacturers produce for the last word and quell any other investigation... if that means making a vendor happy.

    but about this whole "you left us, asshole!" thing, hey... I'm sorry you felt that way and I didn't know it was my responsibility to remain here, as if my presence is necessary to ensure the continued existence of this place.

    If this is a shared feeling, and like sam3535, would prefer I "fuck off" then let me know, as I really don't know how to process "we don't want you here" with "it bothered me when you left us."

  5. Back To Top    #25
    Team Knuckledragger papacueball's Avatar
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    Re: banned from DIYMA

    Jeez, You are the worst ever at taking a hint. Or even when told straight out. Most people don't want you here. The rest don't care. Get the fuck out.

  6. Back To Top    #26

    Re: banned from DIYMA


    I banned you for 30 days because 3 out of 4 reported posts were yours and I got sick of dealing with it. You got kicked permanently when you decided to create another account.

  7. Back To Top    #27

    Re: banned from DIYMA

    "Default DIYMA General Behavioral Rules
    These rules apply to all forums, in addition to any Forum specific rules that are posted:

    1. While discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or inflammatory posts.

    Our decision is final in these matters.

    2. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or anything similar. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.

    3. Spamming and trolling are not allowed. This includes using the forum email and private message system to spam other members.

    The DIYMA team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.

    4. Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.

    5. We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.

    Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything.

    Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.

    We also reserve the right to ban anyone who wilfully violates the forum rules, as access to our forums is a privilege and not a right.

    Thank you,
    DIYMA Staff"

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunner View Post
    Now, I understand that having a second account is against TOS and angrybot would have to go, so I accept that. Ban angrybot to hell, if that's what is necessary. Banning the primary account and an IP address so nobody from that internet hub can be a member of DIYMA, is not indicated in the TOS.
    Seems you misinterpreted some things. Ignorance is not an excuse. Ya win some, ya lose some.

    I hear Nick's on CACO sometimes, want to follow him there?
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  8. Back To Top    #28

    Re: banned from DIYMA

    Quote Originally Posted by imjustjason View Post

    I banned you for 30 days because 3 out of 4 reported posts were yours and I got sick of dealing with it. You got kicked permanently when you decided to create another account.
    I didn't think it was you, I'm surprised by that.

    Couldn't it have been okay to just post me a PM stating how you were getting reports, and I should tone it down/leave it alone? Is the ban button so tempting that it trumps any kind of human interaction altogether?

    I've stated several times in the past that instead of banning, I would respond positively to a warning, but since no warning came, I have to assume that there were other reasons for the action you chose.

    thanks for identifying yourself and have a happy new year.

  9. Back To Top    #29

    Re: Erin's 2006 Civic Sedan

    "Jeez, You are the worst ever at taking a hint. Or even when told straight out. Most people don't want you here. The rest don't care. Get the fuck out."

    Erinh, you threw a thumbs up at papacueball's post, directed at me. Now you're getting out? When I saw that come from you, I had to, I gave up on trying to interact with some of the nice people that come here...

    but if you are so invested in this community to want to run people off, isn't that hypocritical now to say you're done? Your proactive response towards me was the straw that dropped my camel to it's knees.

  10. Back To Top    #30

    Re: Erin's 2006 Civic Sedan

    It's because you stir up drama in every thread you are a part of. And that's frustrating. Your history on Diyma proves that. So the logical assumption is you will bring that with you. And you did with the whining about how you were banned on Diyma (from your one sided stance).

    I didn't say it. But I agreed with it.

    If you contribute and spin your wheels in the other direction then having you a part of the community would be cool. But given your history elsewhere it simply doesn't look promising.

    I hope you prove me (and the numerous others who feel the same way) wrong.

    Nuff dumping on my build log, please.

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